

Hello and welcome to Crestfallen LARP! Writing a rulebook is difficult because people learn in multiple different ways. People can be categorized into many different learning styles such as visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic (learning by doing). Each person will take the rulebook and use it in their own way. This intro is intended to give some guidance as to what LARP is, how Crestfallen LARP is intended to be portrayed, the goals of the book, and suggestions on ways to approach making a character with the book.

We hope to make it easy to jump in and play Crestfallen LARP. Our members are available to help make you feel comfortable about your choices and assist you along the way. Feel free to use our resources such as Website (, Email (, and Social Media (CrestfallenOwner on Facebook) at any time.

What is LARP

LARP stands for Live Action Role Play(ing). The short explanation of this is acting with other people in public. The thought of this can be scary to some people, but this book is here to tell you that it can be lots of fun and very rewarding. In a LARP environment that we are discussing there are number of things to keep in mind.

  • The LARP game defines the world that all characters interact with.
  • The rules define what players can/can’t do and explains how the game works.
  • The players determine what they want their characters want to do and use the game rules and their acting to do these actions.
  • The player is only in charge of their character.

For more information on what LARP is or can be, feel free to check out the What is LARP article on the Crestfallen LARP website.

What is Crestfallen LARP: (Beren’s Hopes)

Crestfallen LARP is intended to be a frontier fantasy LARP game. The intent is to have a feeling of exploring the game world, building a community, fighting the dangers of the wilds, making magical and scientific discoveries, recovering resources, crafting fantastical equipment, and possible danger around every corner. The rules are intended to be simple to pick up for new players but nuanced for those that wish to delve into them. We want to cultivate a culture of teamwork between combat and non-combat characters and growing together as a community both in and out of game. While player versus player conflict is allowed, the laws in game are always maintained by the plot staff. Every player has their own abilities to make decisions and act on them without other players having power over another. A character MAY attempt to order, force, or lie to another character to do what they want, but no player character will ever be granted authority over another characters actions.

Goals of this Book

This rulebook attempts to accomplish the following goals

  • Clearly state the Code of Conduct that all Crestfallen LARP players are expected to follow.
  • Explain the core concepts of the Crestfallen LARP rules.
  • Explain ways to make a Character so an Attendee can participate in a Crestfallen Event.
  • Describe the core story and lineage information of the world of Katalossa.
  • Act as a resource for clarifications on the Crestfallen LARP rules during gameplay.


We understand that learning the entire rulebook is difficult and mistakes will happen. While we want everyone to understand all of the rules as much as possible, we have a very friendly and understanding community. We want to lift each other up.

Players should review the Code of Conduct and Philosophies first, as these impact the safety and expectations of all attendees. After this, the player should learn the rules systems that they are interacting with most as their character. Next, the conditions and combat sections are important to know for character survival. Finally, the players should review any rules they have skipped as they may be useful to know later on.

Parts of a Character

A player’s character (PC for short) is how they interact with the game world and is broken into the following parts

  • Backstory: This is the PC’s history before coming to an event. This can include a number of items such as previous schooling, occupation, family, home town, minor/major events, etc.
  • Persona: This is the PC’s personality. This often times can be tied to the characters backstory, but does not have to be. Examples of persona may include the PC’s temper, mannerisms, quirks, irritants, etc.
  • Character Sheet: These are the abilities that the PC can perform within the rules of the Crestfallen LARP game. Items found on the Character Sheet include lineage, Body Points, Essence Points, Stamina Points, Energy Points, Skill Categories, Skills, Bank Funds, and notes regarding the character.
  • Costuming and Gear: These are the props that the player uses for the PC.These may include Lineage prosthetics/paint, weapons, potions, wands, and tagged items.

Danger Level

The planned difficulty of an event is listed on the schedule page in the danger level section. This level is on a scale of 1 to 4 and is a rough estimate of the dangers players will face as well as a mechanic that has an effect on the gathering and surgery skills. When a player uses the gathering or surgery skills, they will roll on the appropriate chart according to the danger level.

Faction Level

Monster factions gain and lose power as they complete tasks or plot points occur. The current monster factions and their level is listed on the schedule page below the danger level and follows the same 1 to 4 scale. Faction level will determine what abilities the faction has access to as well as how difficult they may be to defeat, how populated they are at the event, and how aggressive they may be throughout the course of the event. Faction levels will only go up or down depending on story. During two day town events, each faction is intended to have its own plot runner and NPC crew. This crew will have a number of assignments to complete. If the crew complete less than half of their assignments, then the faction level will go down by 1 for the next event. If the crew completes half of their assignments, the faction level will remain the same for the next event. If the crew completes more than half of their assignments, then the faction level will go up for the next event.

Acting Techniques

Roleplaying is a form of acting. Players often base this acting off of their own life, attributes they want to grow, or a mindset they like to explore. Here are techniques that we want all of our players to use while acting at Crestfallen.

Playing to lift

This technique is all about sharing the spotlight with every player at the game. Players should do their best to “buy in” to what the other players goals and motivations are, thus treating them as real people and not just characters. Players should listen to the players around them, both in and out of game. A start is learning the characters name, a few facts, and a goal that they are attempting to accomplish. What is the character good at? What is the character working towards? What is the character interested in? Knowing the answers to these types of questions allows a player to let that person take or share the spotlight during those types of activities. This technique also includes pulling in players who may need assistance and helping them gain their moment in the spotlight. Pull people into conversations that are within arms length. Ask people for thoughts and opinions that normally do not voice them. This technique is well documented, but more information can be found in this article by Ericka Skirpan.

Yes, and

Yes, and… is an improvisational comedy rule where the actor should accept what is being said is fact and then expand upon the comment. LARP can use this technique to build on character backstory and thought processes that the player may not have originally thought of. With NPCs, this type of thinking should only be used by staff members or players that have a clear understanding of the world or motivation for the character. An example of this technique: An NPC is a powerful member of a faction and is being questioned. They are asked about their family and if they had a rough upbringing. If the player does not have a firm backstory, they may use the Yes, and technique to confirm that their upbringing was difficult and explain why. This makes the player that asked the question feel good for being intuitive and gives the NPC more motivation to work on.

Playing to the card

Players and characters are not always the same. Players should always try their best to act out and have the game skills to portray the character in the way they wish. For players this may mean taking academic research skills to seem more intelligent, combat skills to seem more tactical or strong, or gathering and holdings skills to seem more wealthy. NPCs in particular must take this technique into account. NPCs should not always fight to the best of their own physical or mental abilities, but instead lower or elevate their play based upon the card they are given.


While philosophies are not rules or policies that we enforce, the following are guiding forces that we use in the development, organization, and running of Crestfallen. These may change from time to time, but we feel it is important the those that attend our game are aware of these items.

Core Out of Game Philosophies

Attendees must “buy in” – Players who don’t try to act as their characters, speak out of character, or discuss things out of game in front of others are a distraction for those who wish to immerse themselves in the game world.

Fair character progression – Crestfallen LARP links CP to attendance. No one gets CP for secret staff meetings, one days, or other events that only a few people are invited. All events are publicly advertised and everyone who is eligible to attend may. Additionally, all CP bonuses can be earned through work, donations or paid for. If a player does not attend an event, then they do not gain CP.

Everyone must be involved in site care – Everyone helps to clean and maintain the camps and locations we use. Players who do not do a fair cleanup will not gain CP for the event and may be asked not to attend future events.

Transparency – All funds will be recorded and available for players to see. Our primary goal is for the game to be self-sustainable. When this is possible, we will focus on investing back into the game, donating to causes, and eventually paying all staff members. No staff member (including ownership) will be paid until all can be paid.

Accountability – Crestfallen LARP wants its players to have faith in its staff and members. Players are encouraged to talk to staff with any issues and disagreements they have with rules, rulings, and the way the game is managed. There will be a yearly meeting where players can vote on new items, changes to the rules, and voice their opinions on matters that are important to them.

Low-cost barriers to entry – Costuming can be expensive. This is why the Human lineage is based on Western wear and time frame. Western wear is easy to acquire from used clothing stores and family hand me downs. Additionally, Crestfallen LARP may have opportunities to sell used or discounted items or make bulk purchases from suppliers to help lessen the costs on players.

Basic rules are easy to follow – The rulebook and its documents are written to be easy to follow and not require a ton of memorization. Most skills require the player using the ability to know what it does. Most conditions and skills are made using basic language so that new or confused players can make logical choices regarding them.

Core In Game Philosophies

Monsters are always evil – Sometimes games like to challenge character morals. Crestfallen will only do this with PC lineage NPCs. When a character is fighting a monster, they may always know both in and out of game that the character is evil.

NPC run Governments and Organizations are always good – Governments and Organizations in game are always on the side of the characters. While it is not realistic, these groups need to be idealistic to protect the players on an Out of Game level. Corrupt politicians and dispensers of justice can easily ruin the game for the players.

Plot never gives players power over other players - Just as stated above corrupt power can ruin the game for players and drive them away from the game. A player may feel they are doing the correct thing when using power over players, but instead they may be breeding hatred and anger that can cause many problems for the game and the other players overall.

Crafting and economy is in the players hands – Players should be the driving economic force. If the game artificially creates an economy, it often becomes unrealistic. Additionally, if everyone can buy things from NPC merchants that can create things because plot says so, then crafters and non-combat players feel less useful and have a harder time selling their wares.

In game laws as a guide to protect players – In game laws are written to protect players and make sense with the in game story. These laws allow characters/players who are wronged to have an outlet to treat them fairly and equitably.

Combat and non-combat players have opportunities to feel important – We are writing modules and missions to allow for roleplay and combat solutions. Additionally, we want crafters, info gatherers, and merchants to have ways to impact the story through player agency.

Fair access to story for all players - All players interact with plot differently. Often times quiet players miss out because they are unsure of what they can and can’t do. We have multiple methods of gaining access to story such as plot cards in the woods, newsletter modules, lineage modules, organization modules, and tradition plot modules.

Evil characters – Evil characters can be fun IF they don’t take away the player agency of other characters. We want to promote evil characters against NPCs as well as allowing PVP interactions. Crestfallen LARP wants to promote a community feel, so we always ask that an evil character has a good reason to take part in PVP. We will always do our part to ensure all players are having fun and that intentional griefing of a player or character will not be tolerated.

Persona Guide

A player’s character (PC for short) is how they interact with the game world. This includes several items such as a Character Sheet, Persona, Costume, and Backstory. This section will be focusing on game world information to help a character create a persona and backstory. If you are a new player, new to Crestfallen, or just looking for some help, please check out our videos coming soon to CrestfallenLarp on Youtube and/or other social media.

So Our Story Begins

Katalossa is a small world with two continents and hundreds of islands. It thrives with Essence, the pure energy of life that fuels creation. It surges with Energy, the power to create magic with thought and intention. While life on Katalossa may be difficult at times, there is a potential within its boundaries that few can ignore.

At its creation, the lands of Katalossa were wild and dangerous. The creatures of the world fought over land, resources, and power. Greed ruled the world and chaos ran rampant. Time passed and many creatures started to come to the realization that there could be more than wealth and fighting. Several of the different lineages formed organizations and governments which helped to bring law to the world. These formations were not perfect, causing wars between them.

More time passed and these groups grew and changed. Eventually the battles between them ended and peace was achieved among them with the formation of the Inspired. This loose affiliation of lineages agreed on many fundamental principles of life and law. Each of the governments would maintain its own sovereignty in their own lands but would agree to follow these principles among them. United in vision, the Inspired created a lasting peace for those who lived among them. Additionally, they deemed any lineage who did not agree with their principles would be called monsters and banished from the lands.

Sadly, many of the remaining lineages would not agree with these thoughts, either due to ignorance or outright malice. The monsters were killed or driven out of the lands controlled by the Inspired. Conflicts became few and far between. Hundreds of years passed allowing complacency to grow. Previously learned lessons were not brought forward into the future and many things were lost. Then came the Torrent.

Images of the Travellers falling from portals during the Torrent.

Countless travelers spilled onto Katalossa as an untold number of magical portals from different worlds were ripped open. While some were transported safely to land, many of the portals opened into the sky, under the water, in caverns, and in many other dangerous places around the planet. Many travelers did not survive and those who did had little to no recollection of their previous lives.

Now It’s Up To You, But Where To Start?

The beginning of the Crestfallen LARP story starts a few months following the Torrent. The citizens of the Inspired have taken in the travelers they have found. Resources are thin, but the people of Katalossa are trying their best to help those in need. Danger is coming to the world, but you need to decide what part you will play.

The following pages will give you the basic information about the story, lineages, and suggestions we have for creating a character that will fit within the world.

Traveler Or Local Inspired

Inspired characters were born and raised on Katalossa and understand the basics of the world they live in. This is a great place to start for players that are new to LARP as the characters will learn about the world and its nuance as they do. The only requirement for an Inspired character is to follow the costuming requirements for their Lineage and to know the basics behind it. The player may choose to take part in the politics surrounding the Lineage but are not required to.

Traveler characters have found their way to Katalossa via a magical portal during the Torrent. These characters may have existed in a different game (LARP, Tabletop, or other similar media). These should be original characters of the players design (not copies of pre-existing characters from pop culture/media). This is a way to allow players who may have lost a character early in development, missed on story due to a game closing, or any other factor where a character did not meet the players standards to use the developed character in a new world. The character should only have a few memories from their previous life, as we don’t want players to hold previous grudges or thoughts that may not work well within the new game world. Players love to tell stories of their past adventure, so we don’t want to take that away. These characters should be open-minded and strive to understand their new home. These characters must be cleared with plot staff prior to introduction, to ensure they can mesh well with the game world itself.

Lineages Of The Inspired

Lineages in Crestfallen determine some costuming requirements and skill categories that a character may take. Additionally, all Lineages have a particular government that characters may interact with. Characters may interact with their own Lineage government group more easily than those they are not part of. Crestfallen uses these government groups to track and facilitate plot. Below is the basic info on the Lineages of Katalossa.

Please note, that Crestfallen does not dictate social or cultural rules for its players/characters. These government groups are guidelines for how NPCs work.

Dwarf – The Dwarves of Katalossa hail from the City of Zarn among the mountains on the Western portion of the continent. This Lineage is easily recognizable by their long flowing beards. The Dwarven government is a council-based system where the primary elder of a family is granted a vote, with each family name having a say. Every family is required to have at least one member as part of the Dwarven Militia, including weapon training and/or enchanting. Dwarves do not often gravitate to magic, but when they do, they tend to focus on effects that enhance their combat skills and enchant weapons and armor.

Elf – The Elven Kingdom of Caernarthan is ruled by a royal family with many advisors and councils to oversee the varied affairs of government. The capital is near the center of the continent and is well protected on three sides by cliffsides and strong flowing rivers. All members of this Lineage have long pointed ears, though some additionally have small horns resembling that of a goat or a ram. Elves naturally sense the Energy of Katalossa and can often innately cast magics using this sense. Additionally, Elves seem to easily understand Enchanting and Magical Research due to their innate knowledge. Magic is widely studied by this Lineage, with little being taboo save the rules of the Inspired.

Hauflin – The Hauflin are a democratic society based around the city of Port Jebbedo. Every Hauflin who is interested in a matter of government may cast a vote when one is called for. This Lineage holds this duty in high regard and will often vote only when they are knowledgeable about a subject. These folks are well known for their bushy sideburns, top knot of hair, and their inquisitive nature. Hauflin can often talk themselves out of or into a fight, and are often wily enough to get themselves out of difficult situations. Rather than focusing on magic, many Hauflin tend to turn to the science of Alchemy to entertain themselves.

Human – Humans of Katalossa are unique in the way they have developed. This adaptable and technology minded Lineage have a long history of invention. The Kingdom of Briarwood is a hub for the newest technology to protect the Inspired. While ruled by a Royal Family, there are many businesses and groups that give council to the current ruler. Humans have been at the forefront of technology and scientific advancement in the creation of Firearms and Medical Training. Humans study any magic that may interest them, but often focus on combat magics and the melding of magic and technology. Additionally, Humans have also created innovations in fashion such as suits, overalls, and other clothing of “Western” style. (Please note: Human characters may wear western era style clothing, but may never wear items that are deemed problematic culturally or based in political portions of that time period such as military uniforms. This clothing is not limited to only American clothing of the time, but please remember to be considerate of others.)

Kinfolk – The Kinfolk are tied to the natural Essence of Katalossa and have taken on different animalistic traits based upon it. The Kinfolk do not have one Lineage based homeland due to their varied lifestyles and traditions. The members of this Lineage gather once per year to nominate a Speaker to act as their leader among the Inspired. This Speaker takes council from those of their Lineage to ensure the will of the people is met appropriately. Kinfolk gravitate toward magics that preserve the natural world and manipulate it for the betterment of their people.

Orc – The Orcs of Katalossa are green skinned humanoids that often have tusks. This Lineage tends to favor strength and honor above magical pursuits due to their homes being closer to monster controlled lands. The Orcs hold a yearly tournament in their capital of Imshcran to decide who will become their Marshal. This tournament includes physical and tactical contests, ultimately deciding who is the most fit to lead the Lineage. This Lineages is often very direct in their actions and use their natural strengths to their best advantage. Orcs that cast magic usually focus on healing their wounded allies or dealing damage directly to their enemies.

Monsters Of Katalossa

Gnoll - The Gnolls of Katalossa were believed to once be members of the Kinfolk Lineage. These creatures resemble monstrous versions of hyenas with a dangerous hunger and claws to match. They wear cobbled together armor of varying types to protect themselves in battle, but rarely care for each other in a fight. Gnolls will often feed on their enemies once they have been dropped, usually resulting in broken limbs for the victims. These monsters cannot be reasoned with and do not attempt to communicate other than through threats.

Goblin - The Goblins of Katalossa have no idea of honor or holding to promises. Peace has been attempted many times, with these monsters however it has never lasted more than three days. Goblins are tactical, crafty, and greedy to their core. They are never content with what they have and always covet more. This means that they can sometimes be paid or tricked to not fight for short periods of time. Goblins stick together and protect one another if they can. They will never fight one of their own for payment, but they are not opposed to lying about that fact to get what they want. Goblins rarely kill their enemies outright, however they usually remove some leaves or resources to add to their loot.

Undead - The Undead of Katalossa had not been seen for hundreds of years, up until the Torrent occurred. These walking dead can complete complex actions and seem to understand speech and tactical fighting. While they do not have discussions, some undead can cast spells. All undead seem to have a sense for energy and magical items causing them to target foes with these abilities first. These creatures have no remorse for the living, almost always killing their foes when they have been dropped.

Magic Of Katalossa

Energy is the source of all magic on Katalossa. This power is drawn from two separate locations around the plane. The source of Ice, Lightning, and Healing magics come from the inner core of the plane while Fire, Stone, and Harming magics come from the space above Katalossa. Spells that do not channel a particular element may be fueled by either source.

Essence of Katalossa

Essence is the source of life on Katalossa and is said to come from the inner core of the plane itself. Essence is a resource that can be used for a variety of purposes. The most common use is the ability to come back to life from death. A spirit may return to life by giving one essence back to Katalossa, allowing their body and items to reform. The body may reform in several ways such as receiving guidance from a willing person, being rebuilt by a machine, being shunted into a new body, etc.

The Unified Principles Of The Inspired

  • All people of lineages of the Inspired are considered equal under the law regardless of station, physical ability, and thought.
  • All people of lineages of the Inspired are entitled to speak freely of their thoughts. This ability to speak freely is only restricted when knowingly used to speak falsely of another member of the Inspired. All Inspired should be sure in their words and never use them to throw accusations against each other without consideration for their actions.
  • All people of lineages of the Inspired may defend themselves from harm. This may be by weaponry, magic, and/or technology.
  • All people of lineages of the Inspired may claim ownership of physical property such as housing, weaponry, resources, and other personal effects. No living creatures may ever be claimed as property.
  • All lineages of the Inspired maintain governance of their own territory or capital.
  • Any transgressions regarding the Laws of the Inspired of Katalossa will be handled by a member of the Protectorate of Katalossa. This organization is maintained by the Dracon lineage as an impartial force of law.

The Laws Of The Inspired Of Katalossa

Accomplice – Someone who willingly and knowingly aids or assists another in breaking a law of the Inspired of Katalossa is guilty of this crime.

Assassination – Someone who actively plans the murder of a person belonging to a lineage of the Inspired is guilty of this crime. This planning may include written or verbal information.

Assault - Someone who willingly and without provocation attacks another person belonging to a lineage of the Inspired with weapon, spell, and/or technology is guilty of this crime. Assault may only occur if the person being assaulted wishes to bring charges against the attacker.

Bribery - Someone who willing and knowingly offers leaves, resources, and/or other payment in order to avoid consequences for breaking a law of the Inspired of Katalossa is guilty of this crime.

Conspiracy – Someone who actively plans to break a law of the Inspired of Katalossa is guilty of this crime. This planning may include written or verbal information.

Destruction of Property – Someone who willingly and knowingly causes the destruction of an individuals personal property including housing, weaponry, resources, and other personal effects is guilty of this crime.

Kidnapping – Someone who willingly and knowingly holds a member of the Inspired in captivity by restraint, threat, spell, or word is guilty of this crime. This captivity must be for the use of ransom, tactical benefit, or planned violence against the captured or those that may come to their rescue.

Libel – Someone who willingly and knowingly presents a prejudicial or false statement or accusation to another Inspired by use of print, writing, picture, sign or any combination is guilty of this crime.

Murder – Someone who willfully and knowingly takes the life of a member of the Inspired is guilty of this crime. This includes death via weapon, spell, and/or technology.

Necromantic Undeath - Someone who willfully and knowingly creates a creature of undeath using the remains of any suitable body or part is guilty of this crime.

Slander - Someone who willingly and knowingly presents a prejudicial or false statement or accusation to another Inspired by word of mouth is guilty of this crime.

Theft – Someone who willingly and knowingly takes the property of a member of the Inspired is guilty of this crime.

Treason – Someone who willingly and knowingly attempts to destroy or take over the duly determined political power of a particular lineage or the power of the Inspired of Katalossa is guilty of this crime.

Dispensation Of Justice

The Protectorate of Katalossa is charged with the dispensation of justice among the populace of Katalossa. They will do so in the following ways.

Investigation – Including speaking with the accused, the victim, and any possible witnesses. This may also be influenced by previous investigations and crimes.

Trial by Combat – If a crime is brought to the Protectorate, the parties may choose to hold a Trial by Combat to determine the outcome of a crime. This must be overseen by the Protectorate, but the terms and conditions are chosen by the parties involved.

Trial by Challenge – This is similar to a Trial by Combat but uses a game of chance or skill rather than a physical altercation.

Decision of the Protectorate – The Protectorate may choose to dispense justice after completing an investigation into a crime. This dispensation may include the following punishments and must be agreed upon by the victim of the crime prior to being fulfilled.

  • Fine of Leaves/Resources – Split evenly between Victim and Inspired for Taxation.
  • Loss of Property – Object of value determined by Protectorate and granted to Victim.
  • Private Execution – Private exchange leading to the death and loss of Essence. Victim may be present.
  • Public Execution – Public exchange leading to the death and loss of Essence.
  • Monster Status – Status among the Inspired is removed. No protection under the law and treated as a Monster publicly.

Member Lineages Of The Inspired

The following Lineages are under the protection of the Governments of the Inspired and as such are bound by the Unified Principles, Laws, and Dispensation of Justice found here. Individuals may lose this protection for crimes committed against members of the Inspired. Lineages may be added to this list if they have proven that they will agree with the writings outlined here.

  • Dwarf
  • Dracon
  • Elf
  • Hauflin
  • Human
  • Kinfolk
  • Orc

Monstrous Enemies Of The Inspired

The following Lineages have been deemed Monsters and as such have no protection of the Laws of the Inspired. Additionally, these Monsters actively go against the Principles of the Inspired and as such are to be killed on sight.

  • Goblin
  • Gnoll
  • Undead (all types)

Regarding Unknown Lineages

Lineages and creatures that are found outside our members and enemies may be treated as necessary on a case-by-case basis. While they may not be protected by our laws currently, with appropriate diplomacy, we may find common ground and add them to our ranks. Likewise, it may be determined that they go against our beliefs and may become permanently at odds with us.

How to Forge Your Character

A player’s character (PC for short) is how they interact with the game world. This includes several items such as a Character Sheet, Persona, Costume, and Backstory. This section will be focusing on the game specific Character Sheet that is required for play. If you are a new player, new to Crestfallen, or just looking for some help, please check out our Character Sandbox document and videos (coming soon to CrestfallenLarp on Youtube).

How to Build Your Character Sheet

The first physical thing that a person needs to play Crestfallen is a Character Sheet. Creating a sheet is very simple to do, however, it can require a lot of forethought. Remember to keep your persona and backstory in mind when completing your Character Sheet. Please note that players may only have two characters in the Crestfallen Database at one time. If a character is permanently killed, the player may create a new character to replace it.

How to Complete a Character Sheet – A Step by Step Guide

The finalization process should be a review between staff and player to ensure the numbers are accurate, the player understands what skills they have taken and how they work, and to make suggestions if anything helpful is noticed. This is the point where the character will be added to our files and a the player number is assigned to the sheet.

Please note that we are available to assist with Character Sheet creation during our Discord Hangouts (schedule on, private discord discussions, email, or scheduled meetings. We prefer to have Character Sheets completed before events so we can focus on the event itself.


In Crestfallen there are currently six different character lineages. Each of these lineages have different costume requirements for play and skills they may learn. A player should take these items into account prior to choosing a lineage to play.

All Lineages are our own version of fantasy characters from folklore. Each Lineage group has a particular political and military point of view. It is up to the player to decide if they wish to take part in these viewpoints or distance themselves from them. The Lineages do not enforce any particular social or cultural viewpoints. Each player is allowed to determine these viewpoints without influence from the game world itself and should be based on the players own comfort level.

Mixed Lineage

Please note, it is acceptable for a character to be of mixed lineage, however the character may only benefit from one Lineage Skill Category and must follow all costume requirements matching this Lineage Skill Category. Both Lineages must be listed on the Character Sheet for story purposes and may not be altered after character creation.

Points Systems

Character Points

CP Cost

Every character in Crestfallen starts the game with 60 CP (Character Points) and gains additional through attendance. Characters use these CP to purchase Skill Categories and Skills, which grant characters additional options throughout the course of the game. Characters start with access to the General Skill Category and the characters Lineage Skill Category for free. Other than these, the first Skill Category a Character purchases is free. Each additional Skill Category costs 5 more than the last purchased. (1st is free, 2nd is 5, 3rd is 10, etc). Once a Skill Category is purchased, a Character may then purchase skills at their listed cost. Skills found on multiple lists may have different costs. The cost of a skill will always be the cost when purchased. No CP will be refunded if a Skill Category is later unlocked with a different cost unless stated in a particular skill.

Gaining CP

Characters gain 4 CP for attending an event (2CP for a One-Day). In addition, they may receive up to 4 CP bonus for the character they are playing and an additional 4 CP bonus for their secondary character (also reduced to 2 and 2 for One-Day events). These bonus CP can be gained in the following ways.

  • Preregistration – If the site cost for an event is met before the preregistration deadline, all players who preregister for that event will be granted 1 CP. (limit 1 per event)
  • Leaves – Turning in 100 Leaves during an event grants a player 1 CP. (limit 1 per event)
  • In Game Space – Bringing, maintaining and allowing other players to access an In Game decorated space such as a Tavern, Lab, Workshop, Store, Library, etc will grant the player 1 CP. This area must be set up prior to game and approved by plot to receive this CP.
  • Monster NPC Shift – A player may spend 4 hours doing an NPC shift as a side story monster. This will be 100% combat based and grant the player 1 CP.
  • NPC Additional Costuming – A player may bring their own extra costuming and gear to make their NPC more distinct. If an NPC shows exceptional costuming, they will be granted 1 CP.
  • Roleplay NPC Shift – On a limited basis, plot may need a particular NPC for roleplay reasons. If a player is pulled out of game to play a particular NPC for such reasons, they will be granted 1 CP. (Limit 1 per event)
  • Full NPC Shift – A player who NPCs for a full event will be granted 4 CP as well as leaves/resources based on the current attendance policy.
  • Staff – A player who is on staff will be granted 4 CP as well as leaves/resources based on the current attendance policy. (This may stack with Full NPC Shift)
  • Merchants – A player who brings costuming, food, or other items for sale (Out of Game) that build the ambiance of the game world may be granted 1 CP. This may be in addition to In Game Space as well. This area should be set up prior to game and approved by plot to receive this CP. (Limit 1 per event)
  • Clean Up – A player who goes above and beyond in assisting with cleanup during or following the event may receive 1 CP.
  • Carpool – A player who brings 2 additional players or more may be granted 1 CP. (Limit 1 per event)
  • Purchase – A player may purchase an amount of CP up to their event maximum at a cost of $5 per point. This money goes towards the funding of events for those in financial need and may be purchased either during pre-registration or during check-in.
  • EMT/First Aid – A player who has a first aid or EMT certificate and agrees to act in this capacity may be granted 1 CP. To receive the CP the certificate must be verified and valid during the course of the event.


Every character in Crestfallen starts the game with 5 ST (Stamina) and may purchase additional ST with their CP. A Character starts every game with their max ST and may use these ST to fuel skills according to their ST Cost. When purchasing skills these ST Costs should be kept in mind. ST may be regained in many ways and is described in greater detail later in this document.


Some Character’s in Crestfallen may choose to use magic. Most of this magic is fueled by Energy which may be purchased with CP in the Magical Combat Skill Category and/or some Lineage Skill Categories. A character starts every game with their max Energy and may use these to fuel spells according to their Energy Cost. Energy may be regained in many ways and is described in greater detail later in this document.


Characters in Crestfallen do not die the way that people do in real life. Each character has an amount of life energy known as Essence that they may use to return to life (or for additional uses found in game). All characters start with 5 Essence and may gain additional points on rare occasions. Occasions may include yearly rule voting meetings (open to all attendees), special events, and currency turn in.

Body Points

A character’s health is determined by the amount of Body the character has. All characters start with 5 Body and may purchase additional based on their General Skill Category and Lineage Skill Categories.

Costume Ratings
  • Costuming that is entirely in period: grants a character the maximum of 10 body .
  • Costuming with minimal visible anachronistic items, such as logos, cargo pants, sweatpants, modern technology, and brightly colored or clearly modern footwear: reduce a costume value to 5 for .
  • Costuming that is blatantly anachronistic: A marshal will grant 0 for costumes that are blatantly anachronistic. This is reserved for players that put forth little effort to cover or alter their regular attire such as wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a tabard. A player exhibiting poor costuming on multiple occasions may be asked to leave for detracting from the game for other players but will be warned.


A character may wear armor, which protects their body from harm. Without purchasing skills to increase it, a character may wear up to 10 points of armor. The character may purchase the ability to wear additional armor from the general skill category or some lineage skill categories. A character may only use as much Armor as purchased through skills, though they may always wear armor that is worth more points than this. Armor is important in building immersion in our imaginary world.

Armor grants a character a maximum of 40 armor points. There are skills, spells, and items that grant armor exceeding these amounts.

Armor Ratings

A character gains 5 armor by covering most of a body area with armor made of/appearing as in period materials. A marshal may decide that the armor appears too modern or harms immersion and reduce this total to 2 for the body area. These props grant characters armor points after they have received a rating from a marshal prior to game start. New players should email pictures of their armor to staff prior to attending an event at For more details on the construction or purchase of these props see the armor guidance in the Props Guide section.

  • Head
  • Front Torso
  • Back Torso
  • Upper Right Arm
  • Lower Right Arm
  • Upper Left Arm
  • Lower Left Arm
  • Upper Right Leg
  • Lower Right Leg
  • Upper Left Leg
  • Lower Left Leg

Armor points are always lost before body points. If the armor points reach zero, the armor is considered Broken. Armor can be repaired using the forging skill.


Melee Damage – Melee weapons may be used by any character. If the character is not proficient, the weapon will deal 1 damage and may not benefit from any skills that increase the damage of that weapon. If the character is proficient, a one handed weapon will deal 2 damage plus any skills that may add to the weapon. If the character is proficient, a staff will deal 2 points of damage plus any skills that may add to the weapon. If the character is proficient, all other two handed melee weapons will deal 4 points of damage. Damage may be altered with appropriate skills and/or item tags. Brawlers and Claws are one handed boffer weapons that are green or red in color and represent natural weapons such as claws, wings, tails or fists.

Flurry Rule - While taking part in melee combat, a combatant may swing their weapon and call damage a maximum of three times in rapid succession before resetting. This reset must be a short pause and may include stepping back or setting up defensively. Some skills or items may allow characters to increase the number of swings they may make during the course of a flurry. If there is ever confusion regarding this, a marshall may be contacted to ensure the rules are being followed appropriately.

Pinning/Trapping - A character may not trap another characters weapon against a stationary target (tree, door frame, etc.). Additionally, a character should not attempt to trap a weapon with their own weapons, shields, or costuming. These maneuvers are considered dangerous and may cause damage to the weapons themselves.

Weapon Swings - All weapon swings should be limited to between 45 and 90 degrees, be controlled, and at a speed to match the appropriate weapon damage call.

Turtling - A character may not hide in a way where their head is the only valid target to attack. This includes hiding around doorways with no valid targets, using a shield to cover the entirety of a body, or similar tricks to prevent damage due to unsafe fighting conditions.

Ranged Damage – Ranged weapons may not be used unless the character is proficient in the weapons use. Thrown weapons will deal 1 damage plus any skills that may add to the weapon. Bows and Crossbows will deal 2 damage plus any skills that may add to the weapon. Damage may be altered with appropriate skills and/or item tags. Please note that Firearms do not follow these rules and are discussed below.

Firearms - Using a firearm in Crestfallen is supposed to be difficult. The technology is new and evolving and should be roleplayed as such. A character must have proficiency in Firearms to use any dart based weapon. Additionally, a character must over embellish the act of aiming at a target for 3 seconds before calling damage and discharging the blaster. Firearms will deal “Unblockable 5 Damage” and may not be used with any other skills unless specifically noted. Firearms with different damage amounts and abilities may be created using the crafting system.

Illegal Targets – Combat at LARP events can become frantic at times. Players should fight with as much control as possible to avoid injuring other attendees. In melee combat the head/face and groin areas are considered illegal targets. Players are not allowed to target these areas on purpose with melee, ranged, or firearm attacks. Ranged attacks that make incidental contact with these areas count, however, it should be noted that if these areas are hit on a regular basis, a characters ability to use melee or ranged combat may be removed by staff at any time.


Magic in Crestfallen is controlled by the acquisition and use of energy. This is a generic term as the players can determine what their source of energy may be, such as

  • familial bonds
  • traumatic events
  • rigorous study
  • experimental magics or surgeries
  • teacher/student relations.

The magic system always works in the following ways, regardless of how the character views magic.

Gaining Spells

Every time a character purchases Energy with CP, they gain access to a new basic spell from the spell list. This spell is added to the spells known section of the character sheet.

Basic Spell List

Berserk/Remove Berserk

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Berserk Condition.

Charm/Remove Charm

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Charm Condition.

Elemental Bolt

Energy Cost: Variable (5 damage per 1 Energy)

This spell causes the target to take 5 damage per Energy point used of the appropriate elemental damage.

Entangle/Remove Entangle Foot

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Entangle Foot Condition.

Entangle/Remove Entangle Arms

Energy Cost: 2

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Entangle Arms Condition.

Entangle/Remove Entangle Body

Energy Cost: 4

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Entangle Body Condition.

Healing/Harming Touch

Energy Cost: Variable (5 healing/harming per 1 Energy)

This spell causes the target to heal/harm 5 damage per Energy point used.

Hex/Remove Hex

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Hex Condition.

Natural Weapon

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain a claw. (green weapon prop) that they are proficient with and swings 2 damage. This claw may increase in damage with game skills that target Claws/Brawlers.


Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain the Broken Condition. If the target is a Basic Build Item, it is Destroyed instead.

Silence/Remove Silence

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Silence Condition.

Sleep/Remove Sleep

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Sleep Condition.

Slow/Remove Slow

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Slow Condition.

Weakness/Remove Weakness

Energy Cost: 1

This spell causes the target to gain or remove the Weakness Condition.

Creating New Spells

A character may create a new spell. To do so, the player contacts plot staff between events to discuss what their new spell will do, determine its energy cost, and decide if the spell will be a prototype or added directly to the rules system. A character may only have one prototype spell at a time. This spell is being tested and may only be used by that character. Prototype spells cannot be copied, turned into items, or be taught to other characters. Every year, prototype spells are reviewed and voted on by the player base to decide if they will be included to the permanent spell list, discarded, or revised for additional testing. Once a spell is approved for use, the creator is given an approved project design card. This allows the character to add the spell to their spells known, teach the spell to other characters for addition into their spells known, and grant access to the guilds to distribute the spell to other characters.

Casting a Spell

Before casting a spell, a character must have an open hand with a spell prop in it and enough spell energy to cast the spell. Spell energy is represented by wooden tongue depressors that are acquired from Logistics at the beginning of game or when recovered. The character then says the spells incantation, breaks the appropriate amount of energy, and either touches or throws the prop at the intended target. A spell cast via touch may be resisted by the target with the call of “resist”. A thrown spell that hits the target, including any items that the target was carrying or wearing at the beginning of the incantation must take the spell effect. Following this, the Energy/Spell is spent and may then be recovered. Please note, that if the incantation is not completed or said properly, then the Energy/Spell has not been spent and may be attempted again. Players may create their own spell incantations with a minimum of 5 words, but must include the spell name/effect as the last statement of the incantation.

Recovering Energy

Once a character has used Energy through the casting of a spell, they may then take time to rest and recover the spent Energy. To do so the player must take part in a restful activity tied to their viewpoint on magic. Examples of these activities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Meditation
  • Study
  • Reading
  • Napping

A character recovers 1 Energy for every 30 minutes spent completing these activities. Items and Plot Effects may exist that increase or decrease the amount of time spent to recover Energy or increases or decreases the amount of Energy that can be recovered at one time. There are also Items that can instantly restore Energy to a Character. A Character may only benefit from these Items once per event. Recovered energy must be tracked on the character sheet and props will be supplied by logistics once completed.

Counted Actions

Counted actions are generic actions or specific skills that take a longer amount of time to complete. Counted actions for skills are described in their entries. Most counted actions take 3 seconds and have a specific call in order to use them. Longer counted actions may not be counted out loud or have a call, but the character completing the action must track the duration of these actions. A counted action starts at the beginning of the count and only completes when the correct call or duration has completed. If the character doing the counted action takes damage, uses a game skill, uses a game spell, uses a magic item, or loses contact with the target, the counted action does not complete.

A counted action that harms a character, such as killing blow, is treated as an attack during the entirety of the count. As such, conditions that end on being attacked are ended during the beginning of the counted action, allowing the character to react.

Below are a list of counted actions that are not tied to specific skills and that any character may do.


A character or characters may carry another character by placing one hand on each arm of the target and walking with them. If two characters are carrying a target or a character with strength carries a target, they may choose to run if the target is physically able and willing to do so. The call for this is “I/we carry you 1, I/we carry you 2, I/we carry you 3” before moving. While moving, if anyone taking part in this action takes damage, the target is instantly dropped.

Forcing a door

Two characters or a character with Strength may force a door open when being held, barricaded or locked. If a character(s) with strength attempts to move the door, characters must state the levels in Strength to determine who is stronger or compare to the barricade or lock. Treat two characters without Strength as Strength 1. The character(s) attempting to force the door open must be stronger for the door to open. The call for this is “I/we force the door 1, I/we force the door 2, I/we force the door 3” while the character(s) are touching a single door.

Holding a door

Two characters or a character with Strength may hold a door shut. If a character(s) with strength attempts to move the door, characters must state the levels in Strength to determine who is stronger. Treat two characters without Strength as Strength 1. The character(s) attempting to force the door open must be stronger for the door to open. The call for this is “I/we hold the door 1, I/we hold the door 2, I/we hold the door 3” while the character(s) are touching a single door.

Killing Blow

A character may deal a lethal blow to a target causing them to instantly gain the Dead Condition. The call for this is “I kill you 1, I kill you 2, I kill you 3” while touching the characters arm or holding a weapon to the torso of the character. Firearm props should not be used for safety reasons.

Recovery Energy

A character may take 30 minutes to recover 1 Energy point. This time should be used for mental self-care for the player such resting, reading, meditating, or similar activities. This duration may be changed due to plot effects, items, or other game effects and should be tracked appropriately. Players who endanger themselves or others by not taking proper care of themselves or by preventing others from doing so may be asked to not attend future events.

Recovery Stamina

A character may take 30 minutes to recover 1 ST point. This time should be used for self-care for the player such as eating, hydrating, and resting. This duration may be changed due to plot effects, items, or other game effects and should be tracked appropriately. Players who endanger themselves or others by not taking proper care of themselves or by preventing others from doing so may be asked to not attend future events.


A character may use rope/chain to restrain a character. The target gains any of the Entangled Conditions and can be moved using the carrying action described in this section. This restraint should be roleplayed only. No physical bond should be in use for players safety. The target should carry the binding rope/chain with them to represent the restraint. The call for this is “I restrain you 1, I restrain you 2, I restrain you 3”

A character may be searched for any leaves they may have on their person. The call for this is “I search you 1, I search you 2, I search you 3” while touching the targets arm.

Search (known item)

A character may be searched for an item that they are known or be suspected of having on their person. The call for this is “I search you for [described item] 1, I search you for [described item] 2, I search you for [described item] 3” while touching the targets arm. A character may ask for a clarification regarding the search but should not try to actively deceive another player to prevent the item from being found. Players found to do this are in violation of the Sportsmanship policy and Code of Conduct and may be asked not to attend future events. A character may use the Sense ability to pinpoint specific items for use in this search.

Limited Counted Actions

Limited Counted Actions follow the same rules as counted actions but are usually completed by NPCs or must be prompted by a plot member for a Character to use.

Module Specified

This counted action will be specific to the module and described prior to the module or will be negotiated with the marshal during the module. All information such as calls or duration will be discussed at that time.

Transportation (Teleportation)

This counted action simulates magical transportation such as portals and Teleportation. The call for this is “I vanish 1, I vanish 2, I vanish 3” followed by “I appear 1, I appear 2, I appear 3” after arriving at the appropriate spot. Characters are considered spirits during all Teleportation.


Leaves – These are the main money source within Crestfallen. Leaves were originally created through an Alchemical and Enchantment technique that solidified Essence inside of a trees leaves. This made them highly sought after. 100 leaves may be turned in during the course of an event to gain 1 bonus CP or 500 leaves may be turning in once a year to gain 1 bonus Essence. Please note that players are restricted to how many bonus CP they may gain during the course of an event.

Resources – These are in game items that allow characters to build tagged items, develop new designs, and maintain tagged items that are starting to deteriorate. These are acquired through gathering, harvesting, treasure boxes or trade. Resources are broken into three categories.

  • Basic - These resources are common items that are used in the creation of all items, regardless of type. These may be used to make basic build items, fuel items, and are the easiest to acquire.
  • Common - There are three common resources; alchemy, forging, and enchanting. These may only be used in their respective crafts and are the mid tier of resources. These can be used in place of basic resources, however, this will not change the quality of the item crafted. These resources are required to make an item of the crafting augmentation tier.
  • Rare - Rare components come in four forms; basic, alchemy, forging, and enchanting. Rare basic resources may be used in the place of any basic resource, but due to its special nature, will augment the item being crafted based on what the specific resource is. Alchemy, forging, and enchanting rare resources all have special qualities and will augment the item being crafted based on what the specific resource is. These resources can be used in place of basic or common resources, but will only have augmentations if the crafter has the crafting mastery skill. These resources are required to make an item of the crafting mastery tier.

Essence - This is the amount of life force found within the character at the time. This can be used to survive a character death, help bring another character back to life, fuel magic in unexpected ways, to infuse crafted items and more.

Time - Time is a vital resource that is not tracked the same way that Leaves, Resources, and Essence are. Counted actions that restore Stamina and Energy or the Gathering and Crafting skills all have a component based on time. It is important that players keep these mechanics in mind. We are currently not strict in the tracking of time on sheets for these uses. If a player sits and has a conversation that has lasted a half hour, they may count this as resting to restore Stamina or Energy (even if this was not the original intent). These items may be tracked more in future if cheating or abuse is noticed.


Research is a valuable portion of our game as it allows characters to figure out story beats and world lore on the players terms rather than plots. This makes the skills difficult to manage at times. To make things easier, we have formulated the following system.

  1. Pre-Event Questions – A character may ask 1 question per research skill on their sheet. These questions must be turned in at least 2 weeks prior to an event. Each question will be treated as the character has been spending off time researching the specifics of the question. Each question will receive a response of at least 1 sentence to a maximum of 1 page depending on time available prior to the event.

  2. During Event Questions – A character may ask 3 Yes or No questions based on the specific research type and as it relates to the current event. These Yes or No questions are based on plot as it is progressing, and not necessarily cannon for overarching plot. These skills should help guide players in decisions but are not intended to give large amounts of information during the course of the event.

  3. During Event Crafting Assistance – A character may use a research skill to help determine what resource costs and effects may occur in creating a design prior to its actual construction. This helps to reduce failures and unforeseen negatives that may occur.

Medical Training and Surgery

Roleplay – While magic exists, it is often very specific and heavily rationed. With large battles and many characters being wounded and under the effects of varying conditions, it makes sense that trained medical professions are still required and sometimes preferred. Characters trained in the Medical Training and Surgery skills should roleplay their abilities such as bandaging wounds, making sutures, resetting bones, applying salves/ointments, etc.

Experimental Surgery – The basic Surgery skill allows a character to be healed of multiple conditions and damage very quickly, but with a risk. Experimental Surgery is much more challenging and open ended. Experimental Surgery is handled similar to the crafting of items. A character must either have an Approved Project Design Card OR they must create one for Experimental Surgery. The creation of an Approved Project Design Card takes time based on the complexity of the Surgery. Surgeons should discuss their plans with Plot prior to events, and attempts will be tracked on character sheets for open transparency between plot and players. Players may use their Research skills and other resources to attempt to speed up the production of a Design Card. Plot may ask for a character to Playtest a design prior to approval. Final approval for Playtest Design Cards will go to the Player Base Votes at the end of each season.

If the character has the appropriate skills and an Approved Project Design Card, they may spend the resources listed on the card and 30 minutes of acting out completing the surgery on a target to grant the effect. The effect lasts until the limb that was targeted by the surgery is destroyed or the character dies.

Completing either form of Surgery requires a percentile dice role on the Surgery chart to determine its success. The chart is based on the overall danger level for the event (which can be found on the schedule page of the website or during check-in).

Guilds and Governments

Guilds and Governments are used to assist characters in their roleplay, resource management, and organization within the game. A Guild is a business tied to a skill found in the more roleplay intensive skill categories. These businesses include the Craft, Merchants, Research and Thieves Guilds. The only requirement to join a Guild is taking its appropriate skill. A Government is an organization run by the ruling members of a particular Lineage. The only requirement to join a Government is to be a member of that particular Lineage.

Other than the requirements for entry, Guilds and Governments function in a similar fashion. Each organization will have a folder found in the town hub. If a character meets the membership requirements, they will be allowed to have access to this folder. Characters may be members in multiple organizations, however, they may be limited on how far they may advance within multiple organizations. It should also be noted that advancement within an organization will NEVER give a character power over another character.

Organization Folders

Organization folders will have the following items within them to help players interact with the gameworld and plot.

Module List

Each organization will have several jobs or modules that they would like their members to complete throughout the course of an event. Many of these will be at set times of the day and characters may sign up for them on the module list found within.

Market Value Chart

Each organization has a chart of items they are selling, as well as looking to purchase. This list may change from event to event. Only members of the appropriate organization may see this chart, unless the character has an additional skill (such as Going Rate) that grants access. This is a great way to stock up on some items or to make a profit selling items to the organization.

Guild Features

(Guilds only) Each guild has a way of making money for their organization in addition to the buying and selling of items and sending members on missions.

Craft Guild
Project Library

The Craft Guild maintains the Project Library which houses all publicly available Approved Project Designs. When a member of the Craft Guild develops an Approved Project Design, they may sell the rights of the design to the guild. The guild will buy designs that use Basic and Common resources for 10 leaves and designs that use Rare resources for 20 leaves. Additionally, the guild will rent out designs in the Project Library for 5 leaves for Basic and Common resource designs and 10 leaves for rare resource designs. Advancement in the guild will grant members reduced costs on these rental rates. These amounts may change, but will be detailed in the Craft Guild folder.

Merchants Guild
The Bank

The Merchants Guild maintains the Bank. Characters can store their leaves in the Bank to ensure its safety. In addition to this service, the Bank offers loans to characters. The bank will loan leaves in increments of 10 at the rate of 1 leaf interest per event. (example: Your character borrows 30 leaves from the bank. If you pay this loan back during the same event, you must repay 33 leaves. If you repay the following event, you must repay 36 leaves….39…42…45, etc.) If a character ever reaches an amount owed of two times what was borrowed, the character may be put up for bounty to the Thieves Guild. These amounts may change, but will be detailed in the Merchants Guild folder.

Research Guild
Research Library

The Research Guild maintains the Research Library which houses all publicly available Research Documents granted via the Research Skills as well as Plot In Game Documents and Character created documents. Some documents found in this Library are confirmed to be accurate with the game world by the plot staff and will be clearly marked as such. Characters may submit documentation to the Research Library for payment as well as possible advancement with the guild. Researchers will be paid 2 leaves per page (8.5x11 paper, double spaced, 12 font standard) submitted. This price will be doubled for any document that is verified as accurate from plot prior to submission. The Research Library may be rented at 5 leaves per hour, with the rental cost being reduced by guild membership and rank within the guild.

Thieves Guild
The Reserve

The Thieves Guild is in charge of handling the Reserve which houses emergency Resources and items. The Reserve has different items, availability, and rates depending on the skills and/or rank within the guild. Additionally, members may donate or sell items to the Reserve in order to advance within the guild. Rare Resources will NEVER be sold by plot unless they are found here.


Bounties are also handled by the Thieves Guild. These are contracts against player characters who have either failed to repay their debts to the Merchants Guild or broke an In Game Law (see The Laws Of The Inspired Of Katalossa for more details). These bounties are always optional to players (No PVP will intentionally be forced). These bounties are always structured in order to repay the characters debt and to prevent grief to the character at all costs. A member of the Thieves Guild will be authorized to subdue (never kill) the target character and retrieve the amount of leaves owed on the characters debt or a specific fine amount from their person. This amount is then returned to the Thieves Guild. The member may not keep any additional money from this bounty, otherwise they may lose access to the Bounty system and may lose status within the guild. A character will always be notified that a bounty is active against them prior to the bounty being available to members of the guild.

Guild Advancement

Character advancement within each organization is based on donations and modules completed. Every 10 leaves, 10 resources, 5 items or 1 module brought to a satisfactory completion will grant a character 1 point within the guild.

Points Guild ranks Government ranks
0 Apprentice Citizen
10 Journeyperson Councilperson
30 Master Lord/Lady
60 Grand Master Chancellor

These ranks do not confirm any powers of law or justice to the character, but instead shows their influence with the particular organization and its NPCS. Holding a higher title may grant the character more Roleplay with NPCs and grant the characters some sway with the organization as a whole. Additionally, these titles may grant additional voting ability to direct how an organization may proceed.

Player Focused Workshops

Workshops are used to introduce players to different conditions, skills, or portions of the rules in a live play scenario. These are great ways to learn the rules of Crestfallen after reviewing the rulebook. A new player workshop will be available at the beginning of any event (one or two day) and will review any of the items reviewed in this speech as well as basic combat, life/death mechanics, and counted actions. Additionally players may sign up for combat, crafting, magic, medical training, research, and thievery workshops. These may be signed up for at the gathering hall with any staff member who has access to the organization folders. Help is also available at any time via email (, during a discord hangout, or scheduled time with a staff member through these or other social media interactions.

Interacting With Plot

There are six primary ways to interact with plot throughout the course of an event.


Jobs are found in all lineage and guild folders in the gathering hall. Players of the particular lineage or guild may sign up to take part in a particular job. These occur at set times during weekend events or may be chosen by an adventuring group during a one day event. Only members of a lineage or guild may advance within an organization.

Pioneer Cards

Pioneer cards are physical items found on site during an event. Each card has a non-combat and combat interaction found on it. Players must gather who they would like to take on the interaction, gather the card, and bring it to the plot staff for setup. These can occur at any time. Please note that these take time and resources to set up and can be affected by scheduled interactions or other items that are being run at the time. Patience is appreciated.

Random Encounters

Random encounters are fights that can occur from monsters in the world. Faction leads are given a set of tasks to achieve and a number of NPCs to play these monsters throughout the course of a weekend event. The monster factions may increase or decrease in power based on their interactions from one event to another.


Requested interactions are when a player or group requests an interaction based on personal character background, group background, or if they are unsure of how to interact with the game and would like some assistance. These are interactions that can occur at any time. Please note that these take time and resources to set up and can be affected by scheduled interactions or other items that are being run at the time. Patience is appreciated.


Scheduled interactions are world events that are planned for specific times of the day and are usually tied with the overarching story of the event. These are the core components of weekend events and are usually centered around one particular monster faction. The monster faction may increase or decrease in power based on their interactions from one event to another.

Stockpile Cards

Stockpile cards are physical items found on site during an event. These cards have a size of small, medium, or large listed directly on the card. Only a character with the gathering or harvesting skill may interact with these cards. A character may spend downtime or act out gathering from the stockpile for 30 minutes to gather a set number of resources from the stockpile. The character must bring the card with them to the gathering hall and return it to the organization folder to claim their rewards.