
Katalossa is a small world with two continents and hundreds of islands. It thrives with Essence, the pure energy of life that fuels creation. It surges with Energy, the power to create magic with thought and intention. While life on Katalossa may be difficult at times, there is a potential within its boundaries that few can ignore.

At its creation, the lands of Katalossa were wild and dangerous. The creatures of the world fought over land, resources, and power. Greed ruled the world and chaos ran rampant. Time passed and many creatures started to come to the realization that there could be more than wealth and fighting. Several of the different lineages formed organizations and governments which helped to bring law to the world. These formations were not perfect, causing wars between them.

More time passed and these groups grew and changed. Eventually the battles between them ended and peace was achieved among them with the formation of the Inspired. This loose affiliation of lineages agreed on many fundamental principles of life and law. Each of the governments would maintain its own sovereignty in their own lands but would agree to follow these principles among them. United in vision, the Inspired created a lasting peace for those who lived among them. Additionally, they deemed any lineage who did not agree with their principles would be called monsters and banished from the lands.