Character Building Advice

Character Building Advice

As mentioned before, everyone will use this rulebook differently to make characters. Here are a number of suggested ways to make a character. All players should review the Code of Conduct and Philosophies sections of the book first due to their importance mentioned in the disclaimer.

Also remember that you need to leave room for your character to grow. Do not purchase skills that you do not have (or plan to have in the near future) the props or ability to use.

Finally it is important to remember that you are one character in a bigger community. You cannot do everything and will often need the help of others to accomplish goals. It is not suggested to build an anti-social character or a character that is does not have a core skill category that helps express the characters identity.

How to make a character when focusing on story/lineage

A player who wants to focus on story should first look at all of the In Game information about the game world and lineages. These sections include Lineages, Mixed Lineages, Lineage Skill Categories, and the Persona Guide. This reading will give players basic information on Katalossa (the Crestfallen game world), the lineages of the Inspired, and the skills that are special to each lineage. After this reading, the player can determine which lineage they would like to play and different Persona and Backstory elements. Once the Backstory and Persona is established, the player may already have an idea of what style of character they want to build on their Character Sheet. The player should review the different Points Systems to understand the different types and how they work. Following this they should focus on the Combat, Magic, and Skills system to determine their skill categories and skills. The player will end with creating the costuming and gear based on what they require from the previous steps.

How to make a character when focusing on skills and skill categories

A player who wants to focus on their Skills and Skill Categories will first look at the Skills list to determine what skills they wish to take. This may include reviewing the Combat, Magic, or Crafting sections to understand how these work. Once a player determines what skills they would like to have, they will usually then look that the lineage choices to find out which lineage has the most discounts or best skills to complement their skill choices. After this the player will create a Persona and Backstory based on the skills and lineage they have ultimately chosen. The player will end with creating the costuming and gear based on what they require from the previous steps.

How to make a character when focusing on physical ability

A player needs to take into account their own physical abilities. If a player is limited in what activities they wish to take part in or medically are limited on activities, the player should first review the skills list to determine their limitations. This may determine what kinds of skills the player may take, what lineage abilities or props they may use, and what counted actions they may need to be aware of. Once skills and lineage are determined, the player will create a Persona and Backstory based on the previous choices and limitations. The player will end with creating the costuming and gear based on what they require from the previous steps.

How to make a character when focusing on costuming and gear

A player will focus on costuming and gear that they already own if there are major budget issues. The player should focus on Skills, Skill Categories, and Lineage based on the gear they already posses or that do not require gear. After this the player will create a Persona and Backstory based on the skills and lineage they have ultimately chosen. The player will end with creating the costuming and gear based on what they require from the previous steps.