Gimme Gimme

the Tasmanian Dirt Devil"

I am back with another Busted Build (#2) this time showing some love for the non-combat crowd.

We know that traditionally Orcs are terrifying fighters with massively strong arms- but didja know that they are JUST AS GOOD strongarming people as MERCHANTS?!

I give you my take on a pure merchant character, “Gimme Gimme”:

This build is slightly bigger than a starting character to build but if you just want to show up to game, hang with your friends, and make TONS of leaves this is the start to a very shrewd businessman.

As an Orc you take 3 levels in Stamina for 6 CP and Demand for 5 CP. The stamina is necessary for our build and Demand states “This skill allows a character to pay half price or be paid double price for one object at a guild.” and costs 2 stamina.

We then spend 5 CP to unlock the Merchant Skill Category where we get our real meat and potatoes. The crux of our build is 15 CP for Requisition which allows a character to gain 1 item from a guilds item list for free. (for 4 Stamina) We also pick up Equal Trade for 10cp (1 stamina) allowing us to sell an item to the guild for it’s going rate, and Haggle 10 CP (1 stamina) to increase or decrease the cost/value of an item sold/bought by 1.

They don’t want us to do this though, so we also have to be a Merchant Guild Member too (10 CP).

So, we begin game at 61CP and 8 Stamina. We spend 4 Stamina (4 left) to requisition the guild for a free item. We then use Demand (2 stamina) Equal Trade (1 stamina) and Haggle (1 stamina) to turn around and sell the guild it’s own item back for double it’s value plus 1.

This uses all our stamina- because business is HARD- so we go and take it easy with our friends, throw back a few drinks and rest up for 4 hours. At which point we have regained our stamina and can repeat the process until we are too tired.

When we get into higher levels this build can get RIDICULOUSLY INSANE by adding Holdings to start the game with more leaves, or branching into the Thievery Skill Category to steal more wares and open up access to the Thieves Guild Stockpile.

In the immortal words of the savior of humanity, John Connor: “Easy Money