* = Skill may be purchased multiple times
x = Exponential Cost (example: 1st Body = 1 Point, 2nd Body = 2 points, 3rd Body = 3 points)
# = Requires Prerequisite
CP Cost: None
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Human Lineage
Skill Categories: Human Lineage
This skill is instantly purchased for characters using the human lineage. This grants the character 2 body, 2 energy, or 2 stamina to their maximum total. The player must choose and document which points they are receiving prior to game start. Additionally, when choosing energy, the player may add 2 spells to the characters spell list. These choices may not be changed once documented.
CP Cost: 10 (Craftsman) or 8 (Kinfolk Lineage, Hauflin Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman, Kinfolk Lineage, Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to craft poisons, brews, and similar items using resources. In addition, this skill allows a character to understand approved project design of the alchemy type or technology type that include alchemy resources.
CP Cost: 4
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Florentine
Skill Categories: Direct Combat, Group Combat, Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to use all weapon damage enhancements in both hands rather than just one if they are applicable. These enhancements may come from skills such as physical talent, opportunist, fighting prowess, and all of their enhancements. A magic weapon’s damage enhancement may only be used for the hand that the weapon is actively being wielded in. Additional boons may add to damage in this way, but must be clearly stated in their descriptions.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill allows a character to ask 3 yes or no questions from plot staff regarding an Item as it relates to the current event. This allows plot staff to give information that may be relevant to a current plot line but does not necessarily impact the overall story of the game world. Plot may substitute pre-generated information or more detailed information at their discretion. Emails regarding questions prior to an event are encouraged to ensure that all information granted to players is accurate. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to deal massive damage to a target with a valid weapon attack. To use this skill, a character must call “Assassinate 20 Damage” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. This skill does 10 additional points of damage if the character has opportunist, opportunist augmentation , and opportunist mastery, to a maximum of 50 damage. The character may continue to call this additional damage until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
Berserk Augmentation
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Kinfolk Lineage
Skill Categories: Kinfolk Lineage
This skill allows a character who gains the berserk condition to use the following description instead of the normal effect.
Duration: 10 Minutes or Until Removed – The character becomes enraged and attempts to kill all characters near them, starting with a target within line of sight of their choosing. The target may choose to attack enemies first but MUST attack allies if no other enemies are within line of sight. The character must deal the maximum damage plus 2 with all attacks, weapon swings, ranged attacks (including specialization), and plus 5 spell damage. This damage increase does not increase the damage of firearms. This does not force the character to use any ST or energy based skills.
Black Market#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Must have Thieves Guild Member
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to purchase in game items from the thieves guild stockpile without any limit to the number of items purchased. Additionally, the character may use 1 ST to look at a guild or lineage item list that they normally would not have access to and may purchase items from them for two times the cost.
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to negate one weapon attack. When a character uses this skill, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
CP Cost: X
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: General
This skill may be purchased multiple times at increasing costs (1st = 1CP, 2nd = 2CP, 3rd = 3 CP, Etc). This skill grants the character 1 body to their maximum total, in addition to their 5 starting body.
Body +2
CP Cost: None
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Dwarf Lineage or Orc Lineage
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage , Orc Lineage
This skill is instantly purchased for characters using the dwarf lineage or orc lineage. This skill grants the character 2 body to their maximum total.
CP Cost: 5
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Claws or Brawlers Only
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to strike a target so hard that they cannot block the damage with a weapon or shield. To use this skill, a character must call “Unblockable” and up to their maximum damage with their claws or brawlers. This skill may not be used in tandem with other skills. This damage may still be negated with any skill or ability that allows a character or creature to use the “Resist” condition to prevent damage. Unblockable damage is otherwise treated as normal damage, removing armor points and then body points.
Break Weapon
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to inflict the broken condition onto one claw, limb, shield, weapon, or plot directed item that they strike. To use this skill, a character must call “Break Weapon” and strike it. This skill will not inflict the broken condition onto any other items unless otherwise directed by the plot staff. (Example: Using a research skill, it may be possible to use break weapon to target a plot effect such as restraints, pillars, doors, or similar objects. This is up to the marshal in charge of the encounter and should not be argued once a ruling is made.)
CP Cost: 6 (Direct Combat, Group Combat) or 4 (Hauflin Lineage)
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat, Group Combat, Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of a buckler.
CP Cost: 4
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Kinfolk Lineage
Skill Categories: Kinfolk Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of claws. These are natural weapons but still may be targeted with conditions such as break and destroy. Damaged claws are fixed with medical training augmentation or any other similar spell or ability that fixes the limb or claw of a character or creature.
Conceal Object
CP Cost: 5 (Thievery) or 2 (Orc Lineage)
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery, Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to place a pink ribbon on one object, granting it the hidden condition. This object is not found when searched and cannot be removed from the character. The character may choose to remove the object or remove the hidden condition at any time.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill allows a character to receive a hint regarding a puzzle, riddle, or similar plot point from plot staff. Alternatively, staff may decide to reduce the difficulty of a puzzle, put another puzzle in its place, or allow the character to “Solve” the puzzle by a certain time frame (3 count, 1 minute, 5 minutes, etc). If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character that is struck by a valid weapon strike to call “Counter Unblockable” and the damage amount they just received and make one valid weapon strike against the attacker. This attack is always made, regardless of if the initial damage would drop the character to the Dying Condition. This does not prevent the condition, but instead, delays it until the counterattack is made. Following this, the character would drop as normal. A character may not negate the original damage dealt using a skill along with Counter.
CP Cost: 5 (Thievery , Merchant, Academic, Craftsman) or 4 (Kinfolk Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery , merchant, Academic, Craftsman, Kinfolk Lineage
This skill allows a character to drop prone (flat on the ground or dropping to one knee) and call “Cower” to gain the cower condition. The player may restate “Cower” as needed if new combatants arrive.
Craft Guild Member#
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman
This skill grants a character membership in the crafting guild as an apprentice member. As such, a character may have access to purchase items directly from the guild, take part in guild missions, gain guild contacts, and may advance within the guild structure. Additionally, the craft guild oversees handling the project library which houses all publicly available approved project designs. The approved project designs found within the project library may be rented, with the rental cost being determined by guild membership and rank within the guild.
Crafting Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Must have Alchemy, Enchanting or Forging
Skill Categories: Craftsman
This skill allows a character to create approved project designs and/or tagged items based on the appropriate crafting skills that they already possess. Approved project designs made with this skill may only use basic and common resources. Rare resources are reserved for the Crafting Mastery# skill only. All tagged items created in this way have a base durability of 8.
Crafting Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Must have Crafting Augmentation
Skill Categories: Craftsman
This skill allows a character to create approved project designs and/or tagged items based on the appropriate crafting skills that they already possess. All tagged items created in this way have a base durability of 16.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill allows a character to ask 3 yes or no questions from Plot Staff regarding a character or creature as it relates to the current event. This allows plot staff to give information that may be relevant to a current plot line but does not necessarily impact the overall story of the game world. Plot may substitute pre-generated information or more detailed information at their discretion. Emails regarding questions prior to an event are encouraged to ensure that all information granted to players is accurate. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used. This skill may determine the true identity of a creature/character using the disguise skill. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
CP Cost: 5
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to pay half price or be paid double price for one object at a guild .
CP Cost: 10 (Thievery, Merchant) or 8 (Hauflin Lineage)
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery , Merchant, Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to distract targets by talking with them. To use the skill, a character must begin a conversation. If the conversation has not escalated to violence (no attacks have been made), the character may call “Diplomacy” (an Out of Game statement) while continuing to speak. Once Diplomacy is stated, all characters involved in the conversation are considered the targets and gain the Distracted Condition. While distracted, the character and targets must maintain the conversation, and all targets must only pay attention to the character using the skill or any other character pulled into the conversation. This ability ends if there is a 10 second break in the conversation, a target is attacked, or the skill user is attacked.
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have alternate costuming In Game
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to roleplay as another persona. Only a character with the deduction skill may determine, that the imaginary persona is linked to a specific character. NPCs will always view the character as the persona they are attempting to portray. It is possible that some NPCs will have the appropriate skill to determine the characters true identity, however this will not be common. Plot may warn a disguised character regarding their persona being noticed.
CP Cost: X
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Magical Combat
This skill may be purchased multiple times at increasing costs (1st = 1CP, 2nd = 2CP, 3rd = 3 CP, Etc). This skill grants the character 1 Energy to their maximum total and an additional spell from the basic spell list.
CP Cost: 10 (Craftsman) or 8 (Elf Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman, Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to craft potions, scrolls, and similar items using resources. In addition, this skill allows a character to understand approved project design of the enchanting type or technology type that include enchanting resources.
Equal Trade
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to trade one item for its market value to a guild or lineage. These prices will be listed in the appropriate binder on the market value chart granted by the Going Rate skill.
Escape Artist
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to escape bindings and the entangle condition as well as bypass barricades or similar structures without damaging them.
Family Stockpile
CP Cost: 8
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Dwarf Lineage
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage
This skill grants the character 4 leaves at check-in.
Favored Target
CP Cost: 5
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows the character to target a particular group of Creatures/Characters, allowing them to deal 1 additional point of damage against the group for an entire battle. This skill does 1 additional point of damage if the character has physical talent augmentation, and 1 additional point for physical talent mastery. While this skill is in effect, the user has the weakness condition on them against all other targets. Current valid groups are animals, characters (all PC lineages), gnolls, goblins, lizardfolk, and undead.
Fighting Prowess
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Claws or Brawlers Only
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of brawlers and also adds 1 additional point of damage with claws or brawlers they are proficient with. This skill does not apply to weapons. This skill does not stack with physical talent or opportunist and their enhancements.
Fighting Prowess Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Fighting Prowess, Must have 40 points in Unarmed Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to deal 1 additional point of damage with claws or brawlers they are proficient with. This skill does not apply to weapons. This skill stacks with fighting prowess. This skill does not stack with physical talent or opportunist and their enhancements.
Fighting Prowess Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Fighting Prowess Augmentation, Must have 80 points in Group Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to deal 1 additional point of damage with claws or brawlers they are proficient with. This skill does not apply to weapons. This skill stacks with fighting prowess and fighting prowess augmentation. This skill does not stack with physical talent or opportunist and their enhancements.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Human Lineage
Skill Categories: Human Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of firearms. Additionally, this skill grants the character the knowledge and ability to craft a single shot firearm without having the appropriate crafting skills. Crafting a firearm in such a way has an ST Cost of 5 and takes 1 hour.
Flesh Wound
CP Cost: 15 (Group Combat) or 12 (Hauflin Lineage)
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Group Combat, Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to reduce the damage of a weapon attack to 1 point and avoid any conditions linked to the attack. When a character uses this skill, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
CP Cost: 2
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: One weapon must be between 12” and 36”
Skill Categories: Direct Combat, Group Combat, Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to use a one handed weapon,firearm, claw and/or brawler in each hand. Without this skill, a character may not wield two weapons at the same time.
CP Cost: 10 (Craftsman) or 8 (Dwarf Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman, Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to craft and repair weapons, armor, and similar goods using resources. In addition, this skill allows a character to understand approved project design of the forging or technology type that include forging resources. The complete list of effects are located in the crafting science and technology section.
CP Cost: 10 (Craftsman) or 8 (Hauflin Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman, Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to gather resources for use in crafting or to fuel items. The character must spend 30 minutes acting out gathering these resources however they wish. Examples include, but are not limited to: farming, mining, logging, and foraging. Additionally, players may use this time to gather loose darts, spell ammo, litter, and lost items to keep the game site clean and organized. Following this acting time, the character will return to the gathering hall to make a percentile dice role to determine the rarity and amount of resources found based on the danger level of the event. The danger level is listed on the schedule page to inform all players prior to an event.
A player will roll one of the following options; fine, basic resources, common resources, common and basic resources, common and basic with a rare basic resource, bonus.
The worst possible roll on all charts. This roll simulates the character gathering resources in an area protected by a lineage or some goods that are deemed illegal. The character has three options following this roll.
- They collect one basic resource and pay a 5 leaf fine.
- They receive nothing for their time.
- The final option is to collect one basic resource but do not pay the fine, which will lead to the character having a bounty placed on them with the thieves guild.
The chance of Bonus increases by 2% each event it is not found. The rare resource is found in addition to the items found in the overlapping percentage
All Other Rolls
Grant the character the resources listed in the table.If common or rare resources are gathered, the character chooses the crafting type they receive.
Gathering Chart
Percentage Rolled | Items Found |
00-05% | Fine! |
06-10% | 1 Basic |
11-15% | 2 Basic |
16-20% | 3 Basic |
21-25% | 4 Basic |
25-30% | 5 Basic |
31-40% | 1 Common |
41-50% | 2 Common |
51-60% | 3 Common |
61-70% | 4 Common |
71-80% | 5 Common |
81-90% | 5 Basic + 5 Common |
91-100% | 5 Basic + 5 Common + 1 Rare Basic |
98-100% | Bonus! 1 Rare+ |
Percentage Roll | Items Found |
00-10% | Fine |
11-20% | 1 Basic |
21-30% | 2 Basic |
31-40% | 3 Basic |
41-50% | 4 Basic |
51-60% | 5 Basic |
61-65% | 1 Common |
66-70% | 2 Common |
71-75% | 3 Common |
76-80% | 4 Common |
81-85% | 5 Common |
86-90% | 5 Basic + 5 Common |
91-100% | 5 Basic + 5 Common + 1 Rare Basic |
98-100% | Bonus! 1 Rare+ |
Percentage Roll | Items Found |
00-15% | Fine |
16-25% | 1 Basic |
26-35% | 2 Basic |
36-45% | 3 Basic |
46-55% | 4 Basic |
56-65% | 5 Basic |
66-70% | 1 Common |
71-75% | 2 Common |
76-80% | 3 Common |
81-85% | 4 Common |
86-90% | 5 Common |
91-95% | 5 Basic + 5 Common |
96-100% | 5 Basic + 5 Common + 1 Rare Basic |
98-100% | Bonus! 1 Rare+ |
Percentage Roll | Items Found |
00-20% | Fine |
21-30% | 1 Basic |
31-40% | 2 Basic |
41-50% | 3 Basic |
51-60% | 4 Basic |
61-70% | 5 Basic |
71-75% | 1 Common |
76-80% | 2 Common |
81-85% | 3 Common |
86-90% | 4 Common |
91-94% | 5 Common |
95-98% | 5 Basic + 5 Common |
99-100% | 5 Basic + 5 Common + 1 Rare Basic |
98-100% | Bonus! 1 Rare+ |
If a stockpile is found. You may take 30 minutes or downtime if you have it available to gather the items if you have gathering or harvesting.
Size | Resources |
Small | 10 Basic, 5 Common, 1 Rare |
Medium | 20 Basic, 10 Common, 2 Rare |
Large | 40 Basic, 20 Common, 5 Rare |
Going Rate
CP Cost: 5
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to view a guild or lineage market value chart without being a member.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Claws or Brawlers Only
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to restrict the movement of a character or creature by holding them in place. To use this skill a character must call “Entangle Body” and strike both sides of the target with valid weapon strikes. If the claws or brawlers continue touching the target, it is entangled. This skill may be negated by any ability that negates weapon strikes using the resist condition. The grappler may carry the target at a walking pace while maintaining the entangle condition. Additionally, a character or creature with strength 3 may rip its way out of the condition on a 3 count.
Guild Stockpile
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman
This skill allows a character to receive 4 leaves at check in.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to raise or reduce the cost of an agreed upon sale by 1 currency, to a minimum of 1 currency. To use this skill, a character calls “Haggle” following an agreed sale of goods.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to slow another character down. To use this skill, a character must call “Hamstring Slow” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. The character may continue to call this condition until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
CP Cost: 10 (Craftsman) or 8 (Orc Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Craftsman, Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to gather resources from characters or creatures when searched. When a character uses this skill, the appropriate call is “I harvest from you 1, I harvest from you 2, I harvest from you 3” while touching the targets arm. Harvesting from a character will only reveal basic and common resources. All rare resources will remain with the searched character.
If a stockpile is found. You may take 30 minutes or downtime if you have it available to gather the items if you have gathering or harvesting.
Size | Resources |
Small | 10 Basic, 5 Common, 1 Rare |
Medium | 20 Basic, 10 Common, 2 Rare |
Large | 40 Basic, 10 Common, 5 Rare |
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Claws or Brawlers Only
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to deal massive damage to a target with a valid weapon attack. To use this skill, a character must call “Haymaker 20 Damage” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. This skill does 10 additional points of damage if the character has fighting prowess, fighting prowess augmentation, and fighting prowess mastery, to a maximum of 50 damage. The character may continue to call this additional damage until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
Historical Research
CP Cost: 10 (Academic) or 8 (Dwarf Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic, Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to ask 3 yes or no questions from plot staff regarding an event from in game history as it relates to the current event. This allows plot staff to give information that may be relevant to a current plot line but does not necessarily impact the overall story of the game world. Plot may substitute pre-generated information or more detailed information at their discretion. Emails regarding questions prior to an event are encouraged to ensure that all information granted to players is accurate. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to receive 2 leaves at check in.
Holdings, Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Holdings
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to receive 4 leaves at check in. This is in addition to the currency granted by holdings.
Holdings, Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Holdings Augmentation
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to receive 6 leaves at check in. This is in addition to the currency granted by holdings and holdings augmentation
Immune Charm#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: 30 CP in Elf Lineage, Must have Resist Charm
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to become immune to the charm condition. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Immune Entangle#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: 30 CP in Hauflin Lineage, Must have Resist Entangle
Skill Categories: Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to become immune to the entangle condition (feet, arms, and body). When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Immune Knockback#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: 30 CP in Kinfolk Lineage, Must have Resist Knockback
Skill Categories: Kinfolk Lineage
This skill allows a character to become immune to the knockback condition. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Immune Knockdown#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: 30 CP in Orc Lineage, Must have Resist Knockdown
Skill Categories: Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to become immune to the knockdown condition. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Immune Poison#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: 30 CP in Dwarf Lineage, Must have Resist Poison
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to become immune to the poison condition. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Immune Sleep#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: 30 CP in Elf Lineage, Must have Resist Sleep
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to become immune to the sleep condition. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Innate Energy
CP Cost: None
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Elf Lineage
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill is instantly purchased for characters using the elf lineage. This skill grants the character 2 energy to their maximum total as well as 2 spells to the characters available spell list from the basic spell list.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to strike fear in a target. To use this skill, a character must call “Intimidate Fear” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. The character may continue to call this condition until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
CP Cost: 15 (Merchant) or 12 (Human Lineage)
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant, Human Lineage
This skill allows a character to speak with plot to petition for access to information, items, or materials through an acquaintance or friend of a friend. Use of this skill is plot controlled and may require additional actions in game such as doing work for the acquaintance, paying for the petitioned item, or possibly no luck whatsoever. Having knowledge of actual NPCs within the game world may allow the character a better chance for their petition to be successful. Plot may, at its discretion, refund the characters ST for use of this skill whenever it is deemed unsuccessful.
Magical Research
CP Cost: 10 (Academic) or 8 (Elf Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic, Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to ask 3 yes or no questions from plot staff regarding in game magic knowledge as it relates to the current event. This allows plot staff to give information that may be relevant to a current plot line but does not necessarily impact the overall story of the game world. Plot may substitute pre-generated information or more detailed information at their discretion. Emails regarding questions prior to an event are encouraged to ensure that all information granted to players is accurate. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Must have Alchemy, Enchanting, or Forging
Skill Categories: Craftsman
This skill allows an item to have its durability extended or a destroyed item to be remade for half the material cost of making a brand new item (rounded down). This skill takes 30 minutes of acting out the repair/replacement of items using appropriate crafting equipment) and requires use of the approved project design card,
Medical Training
CP Cost: 10 (Academic) or 8 (Human Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic, Human Lineage
This skill allows a character to inspect, stabilize, and heal characters or creatures for different conditions. To use this skill, the character must state “Using Medical Training”. While medical training is in effect, a dying character may pause the counter for the dying condition. Following this, there are a number of options the character may use.
The character may act out an inspection of the character or creature. After 1 minute, the character may state “Sense Condition”, at which point the target must state all conditions currently on the character or creature.
The character may act out bandaging wounds and stabilizing a character or creature with the dying condition. After 1 minute, the character may state “Stabilize”, at which point the character or creature loses the dying condition, gains 1 body, and gains the unconscious condition.
The character may act out bandaging wounds and heal a character or creature. After every minute that Medical Training is administered the character may grant a character or creature healing by stating “5 Body”.
While this skill is maintained, no additional ST Cost is required. This skill may be used at the same time as Medical Training: Augmentation or Medical Training: Mastery without an additional ST Cost.
Medical Training Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Must have Medical Training
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill allows a character to remove broken, dazed, entangled, sleep, and weakness conditions through non-magical means from a character or creature. The character must spend 10 minutes acting out the removal of a condition followed by the statement “Remove (Condition Name)”. Multiple characters may remove conditions on the same target at the same time.
Medical Training Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Must have Medical Training Augmentation
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill allows a character to remove the bleed, poisoned, silenced and slowed conditions through non-magical means. The character must spend 5 minutes acting out the removal of a condition followed by the statement “Remove (Condition Name)”. This also reduces the time to remove conditions from medical training augmentation to 5 minutes. Additionally, this skill increases the healing of medical training to “10 Body”. Multiple characters may remove conditions on the same target at the same time.
Merchants Guild Member#
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill grants a character membership in the merchants guild as an apprentice member. As such, a character may have access to purchase items directly from the guild, take part in guild missions, gain guild contacts, and may advance within the guild structure. Additionally, the merchants guild oversees handling the bank. Merchant guild members may take out larger loans and may pay less interest depending on their rank within the guild.
One Handed Axes/Hammers
CP Cost: 3
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Dwarf Lineage
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of one handed axes and one handed hammers.
One Handed Bladed Weapons
CP Cost: 3
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Orc Lineage
Skill Categories: Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of one handed swords and one handed axes.
One Handed Swords
CP Cost: 3
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Elf Lineage
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of one handed swords.
One Handed Weapons
CP Cost: 4
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Magical Combat, Direct Combat, Group Combat
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of all one handed weapons.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Weapons Only
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to deal 1 additional point of damage with any weapon they are proficient with as long as another character or creature is attacking the same target. This skill does not apply to claws or brawlers. This skill may stack with physical talent and its enhancements. This skill may not stack with fighting prowess and its enhancements.
Opportunist Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Opportunist, Must have 40 points in Group Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to deal 1 additional point of damage with any weapon they are proficient with as long as another character or creature is attacking the same target. This skill does not apply to claws or brawlers. This skill stacks with opportunist. This skill may stack with physical talent and its enhancements. This skill may not stack with fighting prowess and its enhancements.
Opportunist Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Opportunist Augmentation, Must have 80 points in Group Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to deal 1 additional point of damage with any weapon they are proficient with as long as another character or creature is attacking the same target. This skill does not apply to claws or brawlers. This skill stacks with opportunist and opportunist augmentation . This skill may stack with physical talent and its enhancements. This skill may not stack with fighting prowess and its enhancements.
Pain Tolerance
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to ignore one condition that is currently active on their character. To use this skill, a character must call “Pain Tolerance” and act out the blocking of pain or somehow overcoming the condition for 3 seconds. This skill lasts for the duration of a battle and upon its end, the condition returns to the character. This skill may be used to overcome the following; berserk, bleed, broken (limb), charmed, dazed, destroyed (limb), distracted, dominate, dying (does not stop dying count), fear, hex, poisoned, repel, silenced, sleeping, slowed, unconscious, and weakness.
CP Cost: 15 (Direct Combat) or 12 (Kinfolk Lineage)
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat, Kinfolk Lineage
This skill allows a character to negate one weapon attack. When a character uses this skill, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Physical Talent
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Weapons only
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to always deal 1 additional point of damage with any Weapon they are proficient with. This skill does not apply to Claws/Brawlers. This skill may stack with Opportunist and its enhancements. This skill may not stack with Fighting Prowess and its enhancements.
Physical Talent Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Physical Talent, Must have 40 points in Direct Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to always deal 1 additional point of damage with any weapon they are proficient with. This skill does not apply to claws or brawlers. This skill stacks with physical talent. This skill may stack with opportunist and its enhancements. This skill may not stack with fighting prowess and its enhancements.
Physical Talent Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Physical Talent Augmentation Augmentation, Must have 80 points in Direct Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to always deal 1 additional point of damage with any weapon they are proficient with. This skill does not apply to claws or brawlers. This skill stacks with physical talent and physical talent augmentation. This skill may stack with opportunist and its enhancements. This skill may not stack with fighting prowess and its enhancements.
Pick Lock
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to pick locks on doors and containers over times. The character may spend 5 minutes acting out the removal of a basic lock, 10 minutes for an augmented lock, and 20 minutes for a mastery lock unless otherwise stated on the item card. Picking the lock does not break or destroy it, allowing it to be reset or taken at characters discretion.
Pick Pocket
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to pick the pocket of a character or creature. To use this skill, the character must have a wooden clothes pin rep that is clearly tied to their character (character name/number listed at minimum). The character must attach the clothes pin to the target or any items the target is carrying. Following this the character must contact a marshal to acquire 1 basic or common resource or currency from the target. Additionally, this skill may be used to steal item cards or plot items from NPCs.
Poison Use
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to mix poison into food or drink. To use this skill, the character must have a marshal observe the mixing of the poison and attaching the item card to the container of the food. This skill should not be used on a player’s meal, as it is vital that all players take care of their physical needs without fear of game intrusion. Snacks, public offerings, and hand outs are the most acceptable for this skill.
CP Cost: 5
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows the character to target a particular character or creature, allowing them to deal 1 additional point of damage against the individual for an entire battle. This skill does 1 additional point of damage if the character has physical talent augmentation and 1 additional point for physical talent mastery. While this skill is being used, the character has the hex condition on them from all other targets. A character can have 1 quarry at a time.
CP Cost: 5 (Direct Combat) or 2 (Orc Lineage)
ST Cost: 2
Skill Categories: Direct Combat, Orc Lineage
This skill allows the character to become enraged, allowing them to deal 1 additional point of damage against all opponents for an entire battle. This skill does 1 additional point of damage if the character has physical talent augmentation, and 1 additional point for physical talent mastery. When the rage has ended, the character gains the dazed condition.
Ranged Weapon
CP Cost: 4
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Magical Combat, Direct Combat, Group Combat
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of ranged weapons.
Ranged Weapon Bows
CP Cost: 3
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Elf Lineage
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of bows.
Remove Poison
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: Hauflin Lineage
Skill Categories: Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to spend one minute acting out the removal of a poison condition from a character by sacrificing a resource. When a character uses this skill, the appropriate call is “Remove Poison”.
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: Must have Merchants Guild Member
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to gain 1 item from a guild or lineage item list for free.
Research Guild Member#
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill grants a character membership in the research guild as an apprentice member. As such, a character may have access to purchase items directly from the guild, take part in guild missions, gain guild contacts, and may advance within the guild structure. Additionally, the research guild is in charge of handling the research library which houses all publicly available research documents granted via the research skills as well as plot in game documents and character created documents. Some documents found in this library are confirmed to be accurate with the game world by the plot staff and will be clearly marked as such. Characters may submit documentation to the research library for payment as well as possible advancement with the guild. The research library may be rented, with the rental cost being determined by guild membership and rank within the guild.
Resist Bleed
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Orc Lineage
Skill Categories: Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the bleed condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Charm
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Elf Lineage
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the charmed condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Entangle
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Hauflin Lineage
Skill Categories: Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the entangle condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Fear
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Dwarf Lineage
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the fear condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Knockback
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Hauflin Lineage
Skill Categories: Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the knockback condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Knockdown
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Orc Lineage
Skill Categories: Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the knockdown condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Poison
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Dwarf Lineage
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the poisoned condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Resist Sleep
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Elf Lineage
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to resist the sleep condition once per ST usage. When a character is dealt this condition, the appropriate call is “Resist”.
Scientific Research
CP Cost: 10 (Academic) or 8 (Human Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic, Human Lineage
This skill allows a character to ask 3 yes or no questions from plot staff regarding an scientific knowledge as it relates to the current event. This allows plot staff to give information that may be relevant to a current plot line but does not necessarily impact the overall story of the game world. Plot may substitute pre-generated information or more detailed information at their discretion. Emails regarding questions prior to an event are encouraged to ensure that all information granted to players is accurate. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
Search Area
CP Cost: 10 (Academic) or 8 (Kinfolk Lineage)
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Academic, Kinfolk Lineage
This skill allows a character to ask 3 yes or no questions from plot staff regarding the current scene as it relates to the current event. This allows plot staff to give information that may be relevant to a current plot line but does not necessarily impact the overall story of the game world. Plot may substitute pre-generated information or more detailed information at their discretion. Emails regarding questions prior to an event are encouraged to ensure that all information granted to players is accurate. If plot cannot give the character appropriate answers within a reasonable time frame (max 30 minutes), then the ST cost is refunded to the character as if the skill was not used.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of a shield and buckler.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to knock another character away from them. To use this skill, a character must call “Slam Knockback” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. The character may continue to call this condition until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 1
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat
This skill allows a character to deal massive damage to a target with a valid weapon attack. To use this skill, a character must call “Slay 20 Damage” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. This skill does 10 additional points of damage if the character has physical talent, physical talent augmentation, and physical talent mastery, to a maximum of 50 damage. The character may continue to call this additional damage until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Magical Combat
This skill allows a character to choose one of the following elements as their specialization: Fire, Ice, Earth, Lightning. Specialization allows a character to deal damage or heal using the verbal as listed an unlimited number of times per day. “By Flames Fury, 1 Fire” “By Arctic Wind, 1 Ice” “By Crushing Earth, 1 Stone” “By Thunders Crash, 1 Lightning”. The character may only ever have one specialization.
Specialization Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Specialization, Must have 40 points in Magical Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Magical Combat
This skill allows a character to raise their specialization ability by 1 point for all castings. Example “By Flames Fury, 2 Fire.”
Specialization Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Specialization Augmentation, Must have 80 points in Magical Combat Skill Category prior to purchase.
Skill Categories: Magical Combat
This skill allows a character to raise their specialization augmentation ability by 1 point for all castings. Example “By Flames Fury, 3 Fire.”
CP Cost: 6
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Magical Combat
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of staves.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to deal the dazed condition to a creature. To use this skill, a character must call “Stagger Dazed” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. The character may continue to call this condition until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
CP Cost: X
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: General
This skill may be purchased multiple times at increasing costs (1st = 1CP, 2nd = 2CP, 3rd = 3 CP, Etc). This skill grants the character 1 ST to their maximum total , in addition to their 5 starting ST.
Stamina +2
CP Cost: None
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Hauflin Lineage
Skill Categories: Hauflin Lineage
This skill is instantly purchased for characters using the hauflin lineage. This skill grants the character 2 ST to their maximum total.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Night time only
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to gain the hidden condition following ST usage and is restricted to night time use. Additionally, a hidden character may shift or reposition oneself if they do not take more than two steps from the position where originally used.
Stealth Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: Must have Stealth, Night time only
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to gain the hidden condition following ST usage and is restricted to night time use. While using stealth augmentation, the target may move while in cover and traveling along dark locations. Traveling into well-lit areas will cause the character to lose the hidden condition.
Stealth Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: 6
Restrictions: Must have Stealth Augmentation
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill allows a character to gain the hidden condition following ST usage and is restricted to night time use or daytime use while in cover (wooded areas, behind/under buildings, behind/in brush,etc). While using stealth mastery, the target may move while in cover and traveling along dark locations. Traveling into well-lit areas at night or over open ground during the day will cause the character to lose the hidden condition.
Stealth Woodlands
CP Cost: 8
ST Cost: 2
Restrictions: Wooded Areas Only
Skill Categories: Elf Lineage
This skill allows a character to gain the hidden condition following ST usage and is restricted to wooded areas (day or night). Additionally, a hidden character may shift or reposition oneself if they do not take more than two steps from the position where originally used.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to perform feats of strength. A character with strength may rip free from the entangle foot condition on a 3 count, as well as removing this condition from other characters or creatures. A character or creature may hold a door closed. This may be contested by other characters or creatures with strength. Finally, a character or creature with strength may break locks and barricades that are of basic craft level. See counted actions for additional uses.
Strength Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Strength
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to perform feats of strength. A character with strength augmentation may rip free from the entangle foot and entangle arms conditions on a 3 count, as well as removing this condition from other characters or creatures. A character or creature may hold a door closed. This may be contested by other characters or creatures with Strength. Finally, a character or creature with strength augmentation may break locks/barricades that are of basic or augmentation craft level. See counted actions for additional uses.
Strength Mastery#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Strength Augmentation
Skill Categories: Unarmed Combat
This skill allows a character to perform feats of strength. A character with strength mastery may rip free from all forms of the entangle condition on a 3 count, as well as removing this condition from other characters or creatures. A character or creature may hold a door closed. This may be contested by other characters or creatures with strength. Finally, a character or creature with strength mastery may break locks or barricades that are of basic, augmentation, or mastery level unless they have been augmented to specifically resist this ability or is unbreakable. See counted actions for additional uses.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to receive 2 basic resources at check in.
Supply Augmentation#
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Supply
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to receive 2 common resources at check in. This is in addition to the basic resources granted by supply.
Supply Mastery#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Must have Supply Augmentation
Skill Categories: Merchant
This skill allows a character to receive 2 common and 4 basic resources at check in. This is in addition to the basic resources granted by supply and common resources granted by supply augmentation . Additionally, a character may trade all of these resources for 1 random rare resource of a crafting type of the characters choice.
CP Cost: 15
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: Must have Medical Training Mastery and Research Guild Member
Skill Categories: Academic
This skill allows a character to attempt surgery on a target.
Basic surgery takes 20 minutes of acting followed by a percentile roll on the appropriate surgery chart by danger level. If successful, basic surgery removes all negative conditions and heals all body points.
Experimental Surgery takes 30 minutes and functions similarly to crafting master items.
Surgery Chart
die roll | result |
00-05% | Failure - Character Dies |
06-15% | Failure - Target goes to Dying and loses all Stamina |
16-75% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points |
76-90% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount. |
91-100% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount + Surgery Stamina returned to surgeon |
die roll | result |
00-05% | Failure - Character Dies |
06-20% | Failure - Target goes to Dying and loses all Stamina |
21-80% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points |
81-90% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount. |
91-100% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount + Surgery Stamina returned to surgeon |
die roll | result |
00-10% | Failure - Character Dies |
11-20% | Failure - Target goes to Dying and loses all Stamina |
21-80% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points |
81-95% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount. |
96-100% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount + Surgery Stamina returned to surgeon |
die roll | result |
00-10% | Failure - Character Dies |
11-25% | Failure - Target goes to Dying and loses all Stamina |
26-85% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points |
86-95% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount. |
96-100% | Success, removes all negative conditions and heals all body points + Target gains Stamina up to their max amount + Surgery Stamina returned to surgeon |
Technology Crafting#
CP Cost: 20
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: Must have Scientific Research, Crafting Mastery and Firearm
Skill Categories: Craftsman
This skill grants a character proficiency with all firearms and the ability to craft technology items that blend multiple crafts and science.
Thieves Guild Member#
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Thievery
This skill grants a character membership in the thieves guild as an apprentice member. As such, a character may have access to purchase items directly from the guild, take part in guild missions, gain guild contacts, and may advance within the guild structure.
Additionally, the thieves guild is in charge of handling the reserve which houses emergency resources. Members may purchase or trade resources from the reserve as necessary for the benefit of the local community. Rare resources will NEVER be sold by plot unless they are found here.
Thrown Weapons
CP Cost: 2 (Magical Combat, Direct Combat, Group Combat, Unarmed Combat) or 1 (Kinfolk Lineage, Hauflin Lineage)
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Magical Combat, Direct Combat, Group Combat, Unarmed Combat, Kinfolk Lineage, Hauflin Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of thrown weapons.
Two Handed Axes/Hammers
CP Cost: 4
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Dwarf Lineage
Skill Categories: Dwarf Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of two handed axes and two handed hammers.
Two Handed Bladed Weapons
CP Cost: 4
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Orc Lineage
Skill Categories: Orc Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of two handed swords, two handed axes, and two handed spears.
Two Handed Weapon
CP Cost: 6
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Direct Combat, Group Combat
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of two handed weapons.
CP Cost: None
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Kinfolk Lineage
Skill Categories: Kinfolk Lineage
This skill is instantly purchased for characters using the kinfolk lineage. This skill grants the character 2 body or 2 stamina to their maximum total. The player must choose and document which points they are receiving prior to game start. These choices may not be changed once documented.
CP Cost: 10
ST Cost: 4
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: Group Combat
This skill allows a character to put another character to sleep. To use this skill, a character must call “Waylay Sleep” and strike the target with a valid weapon strike. The character may continue to call this condition until it hits the target, the attack is negated with a resist condition, or three attacks are made, whichever comes first.
Weapon of Choice
CP Cost: 3
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: Human Lineage
Skill Categories: Human Lineage
This skill allows a character to be proficient in the use of one chosen weapon type from the following list. one handed swords, one handed axes, one handed hammers, two handed swords, two handed axes, two handed hammers, two handed spears, bows, crossbows, staff, thrown weapons.
Wear Armor*
CP Cost: 4 (General) or 3 (Dwarf Lineage)
ST Cost: None
Restrictions: None
Skill Categories: General, Dwarf Lineage
This skill may be purchased multiple times and grants the character 5 armor to their total, up to a maximum of 40 armor. The first purchase of the Wear Armor skill increases the character’s minimum armor from 10 to 15.