Skill Categories
Buying Skill Categories
Characters start with access to the General and the characters Lineage Skill Category for free. Other than these, the first Skill Category a Character purchases is free. Each additional Skill Category costs 5 more CP than the last purchased. (1st is free, 2nd is 5 CP, 3rd is 10 CP, etc). Once a Skill Category is purchased, a Character may then purchase skills at their listed cost. Skills found on multiple Skill Category lists may have different costs. The cost of a skill is always be the cost when purchased. No CP will be refunded if a Skill Category is later unlocked with a different cost unless stated in a particular skill.
* = Skill may be purchased multiple times
x = Exponential Cost (example: 1st Body = 1 Point, 2nd Body = 2 points, 3rd Body = 3 points)
# = Requires Prerequisite
General Skill Category
All characters may buy skills from this Skill Category.
Body* [X CP] Character gains 1 Body.
Stamina* [X CP] Character gains 1 ST.
Wear Armor* [4 CP] Character may wear 5 Additional Armor. May only be purchased to a maximum total of 40 Armor.
Magical Combat Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills that combine magic with combat.
Energy* [X CP] Character gains one energy used to fuel spells and other magic
One Handed Weapons [4 CP] One Handed Weapon under 46” (116.84 Cm).
Ranged Weapon [4 CP] Crossbow Min/Max Dimension 12”/24” (30.48Cm/60.96 Cm). Bow Min/Max Length 34”/44”(86.36Cm/111.76Cm).
Specialization [10 CP].
Specialization Augmentation# [15 CP] Must Have Specialization
Specialization Mastery# [20 CP] Must Have Specialization Augmentation.
Staff [6 CP] Two Handed Weapon under 78” (198.12 Cm) may not have a blade or hammer head.
Thrown Weapons [2 CP] Character may use coreless thrown weapons.
Direct Combat Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills that benefit a direct melee combatant.
Ambidextrous# [4 CP] Character can swing additional damage in both hands.
Break Weapon [15 CP] Character may deliver the Broken Condition to one weapon or shield.
Buckler [6 CP] Maximum 20” diameter. May Hold or Strap to Arm.
Favored Target [5 CP] Character may deal extra damage against one creature type.
Florentine [2 CP] Character may use a one handed weapon in each hand, but one only does base damage.
One Handed Weapons [4 CP] One Handed Weapon under 46” ( 116.84 Cm).
Parry [15 CP] Character may negate one weapon attack.
Physical Talent [10 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage at all times (Crafted Weapons Only).
Physical Talent Augmentation# [15 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage at all times (Crafted Weapons Only) (CP 40 in this Skill Category).
Physical Talent Mastery# [20 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage at all times (Crafted Weapons Only) (CP 80 in this Skill Category).
Quarry [5 CP] Character may deal additional damage against one foe for one fight.
Rage [5 CP] Character may deal additional damage against all foes for one fight.
Ranged Weapon [4 CP] Crossbow Min/Max Dimension 12”/24” (30.48Cm/60.96 Cm). Bow Min/Max Length 34”/44”(86.36Cm/111.76Cm).
Shield [10 CP] Maximum36” (91.44 Cm) Tall at longest dimension. Maximum 24” (60.96 Cm) Wide at longest dimension shield.
Slam [10 CP] Character may deliver the Knockback Condition on a target.
Slay [10 CP] Character may deal a large amount of damage for one swing.
Thrown Weapons [2 CP] Character may use coreless thrown weapons.
Two Handed Weapon [6 CP] Two Handed Weapon under 75” (190.5 Cm).
Group Combat Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills that benefit stealthy or tactical style combatants.
Ambidextrous# [4 CP] Character can swing additional damage in both hands.
Assassinate [10 CP] Character may deal a large amount of damage.
Buckler [6 CP] Maximum 20” diameter. May Hold or Strap to Arm.
Counter [15 CP] Character takes a melee attack and deals the same damage back at target.
Flesh Wound [15 CP] Character may reduce the damage of a weapon attack to 1 and avoid additional Conditions from the attack.
Florentine [2 CP] Character may use a one handed weapon in each hand, but one only does base damage.
Hamstring [10 CP] Character may deliver the Slowed Condition to a target.
One Handed Weapon [4 CP] One Handed Weapon under 46” (116.84 Cm).
Opportunist [10 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage while attacking an opponent with an ally’s assistance (Crafted Weapons Only).
Opportunist Augmentation# [15 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage while attacking an opponent with an ally’s assistance (Crafted Weapons Only) (CP 40 in this Skill Category).
Opportunist Mastery# [20 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage while attacking an opponent with an ally’s assistance (Crafted Weapons Only) (CP 80 in this Skill Category).
Ranged Weapon [4 CP] Crossbow Min/Max Dimension 12”/24” (30.48Cm/60.96 Cm). Bow Min/Max Length 34”/44”(86.36Cm/111.76Cm).
Stagger [10 CP] Character may deliver the Dazed Condition to a target.
Thrown Weapons [2 CP] Character may use coreless thrown weapons.
Two Handed Weapon [6 CP] Two Handed Weapon under 75” (190.5 Cm).
Waylay [10 CP] Character may deliver the Sleep Condition to a target.
Unarmed Combat Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills that benefit stealthy or tactical style combatants.
Ambidextrous# [4 CP] Character can swing additional damage in both hands.
Block [15 CP] Character may negate one weapon attack.
Breakthrough [5 CP] Character may deliver a standard weapon attack that cannot be blocked with shields (May not be used with other skills).
Fighting Prowess [10 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage while attacking with claws or brawlers.
Fighting Prowess Augmentation# [15 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage while attacking with claws or brawlers (CP 40 in this Skill Category).
Fighting Prowess Mastery# [20 CP] Character may deal 1 additional damage while attacking with claws or brawlers (CP 80 in this Skill Category).
Florentine [2 CP] Character may use a one handed weapon in each hand, but one only does base damage.
Grapple [10 CP] Character may deliver the Entangle Body Condition to a target while holding the target with two claws or brawlers.
Haymaker [10 CP] Character may deal a large amount of damage with claws or brawlers.
Intimidate [10 CP] Character may deliver the Fear Condition to a target.
Pain Tolerance [15 CP] Character may negate the effects of a Condition until the end of a fight.
Strength [10 CP] Character gains 1 Strength.
Strength Augmentation# [15 CP] Character gains 1 Strength.
Strength Mastery# [20 CP] Character gains 1 Strength.
Thrown Weapons [2 CP] Character may use coreless thrown weapons.
Thievery Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills suitable for a rogue, thief, spy, or similar character.
Black Market# [15 CP] Character may purchase from the Thieves Guild Stockpile without limit.
Conceal Object [5 CP] Character may hide a single object on their person.
Cower [5 CP] Character may act helpless to dissuade others from attacking.
Diplomacy [10 CP] Character may use Diplomacy to distract targets.
Disguise [15 CP] Character may disguise themselves as another character.
Escape Artist [10 CP] Character may escape from bindings or bypass barriers.
Pick Lock [10 CP] Character may pick locks on containers or doors.
Pick Pocket [10 CP] Character may pick another characters pocket for goods.
Poison Use [15 CP] Character may poison food or drink.
Stealth [10 CP] Character may become hidden despite real world skill (Night Only).
Stealth Augmentation# [15 CP] Character may become hidden despite real world skill (Movement).
Stealth Mastery# [20 CP] Character may become hidden despite real world skill (Day).
Thieves Guild Member# [10 CP] Character gains the benefits of joining the guild.
Merchant Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills suitable for a merchant, banker, investor, or similar character
Cower [5 CP] Character may act helpless to dissuade others from attacking.
Diplomacy [10 CP] Character may use Diplomacy to distract targets.
Equal Trade [10 CP] Character may trade one item for its market value with the Guild.
Going Rate [5 CP] Character may inquire how much the guild will pay for an item.
Haggle [10 CP] Character gains or reduces cost of a sale by 1 currency.
Holdings [10 CP] Character gains currency at check in.
Holdings, Augmentation# [15 CP] Character gains currency at check in.
Holdings, Mastery# [20 CP] Character gains currency at check in.
Know A Guy [15 CP] Character knows a guy to help assist them.
Merchants Guild Member# [10 CP] Character gains the benefits of joining the guild.
Requisition# [15 CP] Character may gain free items from the guild.
Supply [10 CP] Character gains production resources at check in.
Supply,Augmentation# [15 CP] Character gains production resources at check in.
Supply,Mastery# [20 CP] Character gains production resources at check in.
Academic Skill Category
This Skill Category includes skills suitable for a doctor, researcher, historian, or similar character
Analysis [10 CP] Character may gain information on a specific item.
Consultation [10 CP] Character may gain a hint or reduction in difficulty on a puzzle.
Cower [5 CP] Character may act helpless to dissuade others from attacking.
Deduction [10 CP] Character may gain information of a specific person.
Historical Research [10 CP] Character may gain information on previous events.
Magical Research [10 CP] Character may gain information on magic and its uses.
Medical Training [10 CP] Character may stabilize and heal Characters through natural means.
Medical Training: Augmentation# [15 CP] Character may remove the Dazed, Sleeping, Slowed, and Weakness Conditions through natural means.
Medical Training: Mastery# [20 CP] Character may remove the Bleed, Poisoned, and Silenced Conditions through natural means, and increase in healing value.
Research Guild Member# [10 CP] Character gains the benefits of joining the guild.
Scientific Research [10 CP] Character may gain information on technology and scientific items.
Search Area [10 CP] Character may gain information on a physical location.
Surgery# [15 CP] Character may perform procedures to heal or enhance Characters.
Craftsman Skill Category
This category includes skills suitable for a crafter, farmer, resource manager, or similar character
Alchemy [10 CP] Character may craft poisons, gases, and other alchemical items.
Cower [5 CP] Character may act helpless to dissuade others from attacking.
Craft Guild Member# [10 CP] Character gains the benefits of joining the guild.
Crafting: Augmentation# [15 CP] Character may craft Augmented items.
Crafting: Mastery# [20 CP] Character may craft Masterwork Items.
Scientific Research [10 CP] Character may gain information on technology and scientific items.
Enchanting [10 CP] Character may craft potions and scrolls.
Forging [10 CP] Character may craft and repair weapons, armor, and shields.
Gathering [10 CP] Character is trained in Gathering of resources from nature.
Guild Stockpile [15 CP] Character gains currency at check in.
Harvesting [10 CP] Character may harvest resources from enemies.
Maintenance# [10 CP] Character may extend an items durability.
Technology Crafting# [20 CP] Character may craft Technology Items.