
Code of Conduct

All members of Crestfallen LARP acknowledge during the check in process that they have read (or watched) and will abide by the Code of Conduct found below. This document (or its videos) encompasses Sportsmanship, Player Safety, and Social Contract items between the members of Crestfallen LARP, its ruling organization, and staff. All members, regardless of station within the organization, are bound by these items. Crestfallen LARP and its members will not be held accountable if a member falsely claims they have watched or read this document or its updates when they have not actually done so. This Code of Conduct extends to all interactions to pages that Crestfallen LARP manages online including social media, forums, and websites.

Content Warning: We believe that drama is important for any LARP game experience. As such, plot within our LARP may be difficult or troubling for some people emotionally. Attending members consent that the core game mechanics simulate combat which may include violence, abuse, injury, body dismemberment, kidnapping, suicide, self-injurious behavior, death, dying, blood, etc…

Real World Politics and Religion: are not depicted at our events and should not be discussed. This includes use of typical holy symbols, holidays, traditions, and dogmas. Crestfallen LARP does not include Deity-similar creatures that are all knowing/seeing in plotlines (HOWEVER, a creature may lie and say that they are). Plotlines may use Crestfallen versions of creatures found in different religions, but they are our own parody and are never intended to cause harm or insult.

Mental Illness and Mental Health Disorders: are difficult subjects to tackle. Plot will never knowingly include a Mental Illness or Mental Health Disorder as the primary catalyst for a character to be good/evil. Members may choose to use/include their own Mental Illness or Mental Health Disorder in their character backstory or roleplay. A member may include a Mental Illness or Mental Health Disorder to their character backstory or roleplay if they are very knowledgeable of the item in question and represent it authentically. A member found to be playing a Mental Illness or Mental Health Disorder inauthentically or purposely disrespectfully may be asked to remove it from the character, to make a new character, or asked not to attend events in the future (with appropriate warnings).

Pregnancy: may be discussed as part of story but may NEVER be depicted in game by any member (Plot or Players).

Taboo Subjects: Crestfallen LARP will NEVER include any depictions of the following items in any portion of its story, member backstory, plot, etc. These items do not occur in our fantasy based world and it is not the intent of Crestfallen LARP to deny the existence of these themes in the real world.

  • Rape
  • Sexual Assault
  • Slavery
  • Child Abuse

Mental Health: While LARP is a great opportunity to work through personal struggles and reduce stress, Crestfallen LARP is a purely recreational game and is not a substitute for help from a mental health professional. The mental health of all members is important to us for the fun and safety of everyone involved. Additional Safety Mechanics and Consent rules are discussed later.If you are considering suicide, please remember help is available. Call, Text or Chat 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the United States.


Like other games, sports, and physical activities, good sportsmanship is vital to a LARP game. Members should know, understand, and appreciate the rules and policies of Crestfallen LARP. The spirit of good sportsmanship depends on conformance to the intent of a rule as well as how the rule is written. If a “loophole”, “work around”, or other variation occurs where the intent of the rule and the written rule does not seem to match, members must make this information known to gain clarification and have the rules amended as soon as possible.

Fair play and honesty regarding Out of Game rules and discussions with staff are mandatory. Characters at Crestfallen do not need to be honest, but members must be. Playing fairly and honestly helps in building a sense of community, promote equal and equitable opportunity to access the game, and ensure that members are not targeted in a positive or negative fashion.

Recognition and appreciation of skilled performances in combat, roleplaying, crafting, and/or knowledge of the rules is expected and appreciated. LARP games are both performances and game play. Members should be respectful for the time and energy that other members put into the LARP. Recognizing and acknowledging these helps to encourage the community to grow.

Respect for staff, marshals, plot, npcs, and EMTs is vital. Marshals should be impartial arbitrators of the rules who are trained to make the best decision possible at the time to continue game in a safe, timely, and fair way. Staff, Plot, and NPCs work to ensure the LARP runs as smoothly as possible and provide as many opportunities for fun interaction as possible. EMTs are available to help determine the best medical options available if there is an emergency on site. Mistakes can be made by any member of Crestfallen LARP, but it is important for members to accept and abide by the decisions made by these members when they must be made. When it is appropriate (after emergency, during downtime, closing ceremonies, after event, etc.) the staff/safety member will review what occurred and clarify the situation to make sure things are handled appropriately next time.

Respect for all members is required. While people may not like each other, it is important to maintain a cordial and tolerant level of respect for all members. Crestfallen LARP will not tolerate any purposeful disrespect between its members.

Every member has fun in different ways and with different aspects of LARP. All members should do their best to contribute to the enjoyment of all players.

All members (including Owners/Staff/Safety members) may be questioned regarding their actions and/or the rules. If there is a discrepancy or concern regarding this, there will be a staff structure in place where questions can be raised. Crestfallen LARP and its Staff can only help if it hears concerns or complaints.

Modeling proper sportsmanship will help influence others to do the same, making a positive environment for all members to enjoy.

Illegal Drugs and Alcohol

Crestfallen LARP does not allow the use of illegal drugs and alcohol during our events. Members suspected to be under the influence of such substances may be removed from participation, asked to leave (if it is safe for them to do so), have law enforcement involved, and/or be asked to not return.

It is our belief that storytelling requires tension and stakes. These often require members to deal with items that may make them uncomfortable out of game. The following policies and mechanics are in place for member safety physically and mentally.

Affirmative Consent – Based off of a sexual violence prevention mechanic, we at Crestfallen LARP want to ensure that all physical actions between parties are based upon clearly given consent. When taking part in any physical roleplay that is not expressly permitted within the rules, all parties must knowingly, voluntarily, and mutually agree to consent to the roleplay. This consent may be given through words, the ok hand symbol, or actions as long as they clearly convey consent. Consent may be revoked at any point, for any reason, by any party. Consent must be granted every time physical roleplay takes place unless previously negotiated and notated on a character sheet (note, this consent may also be revoked at any time).

Age Requirement – Crestfallen participants must be 18 years old to attend as we deal with mature subject matter and language. Crestfallen participants may attend with a legal parent or guardian from the ages of 16 to 18. It is the parent or guardian’s duty to care for the child participant and to understand that Crestfallen will not guarantee the change of its content.

Armband (Orange) – Orange arm/headbands denote a player who is a non-combatant. A player may be a non-combatant for any reason including but not limited to the following: Illness, Injury, Anxiety, Age, Stress, Disability, Mental Health, EMT Advisement. Additionally, players that are deemed unsafe with combat may be given non-combat status for a limited duration. Non-combat players may not be targeted with weapon or spell attacks. Ranged attacks that accidentally strike a non-combat player will be treated as a “resist”. Non-combat characters may not use any skill from any Skill Category containing the word Combat. The only exception to this is Energy which may not be used in combat, but may be used for crafting or condition removal following a battle. All players may use the Killing Blow counted action on a non-combatant by pointing their weapon at the target from an arm’s length away rather than physically touching them. This action is stopped through normal means or if a combat player comes within arms reach of the attacker. A character that is feigning injury/death must make themselves known in order to prevent a Killing Blow in this fashion.

Assumed Consent – While Crestfallen believes that players should ask for affirmative consent for physical actions, there is an Assumed Consent that players are taking part in a physical game and that certain touch is required. Crestfallen LARP assumes that all players consent to physical contact with all weapons, spell ammo, and approved game props. Additionally, all players are assumed to consent on physical contact on the arms from the wrist to the shoulder for the purposes of spell touch casting, carrying, and counted actions. This assumed consent does NOT allow a player to grab, pull, or push forcefully. This assumed consent also does NOT allow a player to touch another player in a way to make them feel uncomfortable. This consent may be revoked at any time, for any reason.

Clothing Requirements – All attendees must be in appropriate clothing to take part in an active LARP game according to public decency requirements as well as appropriate clothing for the weather. Underwear/Shirtless gameplay is never acceptable.

EMT – If there is a medical emergency an EMT is called for their medical knowledge to take charge of a situation and make the best decision possible. EMTs are volunteers and will do their best to make fair and safe judgements regarding player safety. EMTs rulings must be followed by all players to the best of their ability. If a player disregards an EMT ruling, they may be asked to leave or not be allowed to attend future events. Crestfallen LARP is a play at your own risk game. As such players should know their physical limitations and do their best to practice self-care as necessary. If a medical emergency is taking place, a Pause must be called directly followed by the call of EMT which must be echoed until one arrives or it is known that one is in transit.

Look Down – If a player has a problem with a situation that is going on in the game, they may opt out at any time by looking down and covering their eyes with a hand like a visor. The player and character leave the scene. The player should not be stopped or questioned regarding why the opt out has occurred. If there is an altercation between two PCs that causes a Look Down bow-out, the scene may need to follow a Negotiated Roleplay to ensure the story can go on in a safe but cohesive way. This should only be attempted after all parties have had a chance to analyze the situation and feel comfortable talking with all parties along with a plot representative. No player will be asked or forced to give any reasoning why the bow-out occurred, but all parties will be asked to give input to how the situation can be resolved.

Marshal/Plot – A marshal or plot member may be a PC or NPC. These staff members should be contacted if there is a rules dispute, rules question, cabin thievery, pick pocket, or similar situation. Not every plot member or marshal may be able to assist in every issue, but they should be able to point a player in the correct direction for assistance.

Negotiated Roleplay – Negotiated Roleplay is where parties decide what will happen during a particular planned interaction between two or more individuals. Crestfallen LARP wishes to use this type of planned roleplay as a remedy to situations where players or characters bow-out of a scene for private personal reasons.Additionally, this mechanic is highly encouraged for any and all relationship dynamics at Crestfallen LARP. Relationships In Game and Out of Game are based upon communication. It is highly suggested that players plan these relationships well in advance and with appropriate safety checks to ensure all parties remain comfortable with the situation. This is not required, but highly recommended.

OK Check In – Players are encouraged to check on each other during stressful roleplay situations using an OK check in. A player who is concerned with a current situation should visibly show the OK hand sign to those they wish to check in with. Players may then give a thumbs up to continue, a thumbs down to show that there are issues and they wish to stop or fix the situation, or a level hand to show that they are unsure or things are starting to cause an issue. At this point roleplay may continue if all thumbs up are shown and a “Pause” should be called if there is a thumbs down to determine the problem and fix any situation before things get out of hand or to allow the player to use Look Down to walk away. A “so-so” wave is up to the asking players discretion but should indicate that a change in roleplay should occur.

Out Of Game Headband (Pink) – Sometimes a player needs to be out of game. There are many reasons for this such as a way to remove themselves from stressful roleplay, medical emergencies, phone calls, or interacting with the staff of the game. Often plot staff may need to show they are out of game to convey rulings, set up modules, or traveling without causing the other players to be alarmed. A player wearing a bright pink solid headband is out of game and should be ignored unless prompted by the wearer. A player should contact a staff member prior to going out of game if time allows. Bathrooms, vehicle, active cooking areas, restricted medical sleep areas, and the NPC hub area are always considered out of game unless otherwise clarified.

Pause – This is how the game stops for safety, emergency, or plot reasons. To stop game a player must call out “Pause”. All players must echo the call “Pause” when heard. All players must look down at the ground and kneel if possible. During the pause the person who called it and plot staff will determine the reason for the Pause and handle it appropriately. Once the reason for the pause is completed it will be asked if there is any reason the game should not continue. If there is, the pause is maintained to fix the new situation. If there is no reason the call will go out “3, 2, 1, Start”. During a pause players should not look around, gather gear/items, or converse unless it is part of the Pause.

Additional Policies


Stealing things in Crestfallen LARP must be very closely watched. A Marshal must be contacted to steal from a cabin, public area, or when using game skills to steal. Characters may only steal in game cards and leaves from other players because they are the property of Crestfallen LARP and not the players themselves. To steal a weapon or other tagged item, the physical item must be taken and held by the player for at least one hour. Following this hour, the item must be given directly to a Marshall so that it may be returned to the player and the tag retrieved from the person who was robbed. A player may NEVER steal the physical property of another player.

NPC Requirements

NPCs are required to have appropriate footwear and clothing for the weather. This clothing should include neutral base layers for costuming such as plain brown, grey, or black. Additionally, NPCs must have a sealable belt pouch for carrying Leaves and Resource cards for distribution as treasure. NPCs who pre-register for an event may gain additional information regarding characters and/or monsters that they will be playing. Players who bring additional costuming to make the character/monster more realistic or interesting may gain additional CP for their efforts.