Crestfallen LARP (produced by BearNPC Productions LLC)


I acknowledge that I am at least eighteen (18) years old, or that my parent or legal guardian has read this waiver in its entirety and has agreed to its terms.

I understand and acknowledge that my participation in Crestfallen LARP, produced by BearNPC Productions (the “LARP”) is an inherently dangerous activity and that the risk of injury, serious injury or death, given the nature of the LARP, cannot be eliminated.

I understand and acknowledge that participation in the LARP will include the use of Nerf blasters and foam weapons for the purpose of live action combat against both volunteers and other players and agree to partake in said combat.

I voluntarily accept all risks of participating in the LARP, including my own actions, the actions of others (including but not limited to other participants, LARP staff, volunteers, and spectators), rough terrain, falls, illness, infection, contact with other participants, LARP staff, volunteers, and spectators, premises defects, limited visibility, and the effects of weather including but not limited to heat, humidity and precipitation.

I understand and acknowledge that all applicable rules for participation in the LARP, and all directions and instructions given by LARP staff and volunteers, must be followed and that SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY PERSONAL SAFETY REMAINS WITH ME AT ALL TIMES while participating in the LARP.

I accept full responsibility for any injuries I may incur and damages I may cause as a result of the use of illegal substances or participation in illegal activities.

I certify that I am physically fit and have no medical condition that would make my participation in the LARP more hazardous.

I undertake and agree to remove myself from participation in the LARP should I sense or observe any hazard or unsafe condition, or feel unfit or unable to safely continue.

I understand that any items I bring with me to the LARP are solely my responsibility and will not hold the LARP coordinators, staff, and volunteers in any way responsible should they be damaged, lost, or stolen.

I consent to the use of my image in photographs, motion pictures or recordings taken at the LARP, for use in LARP advertising, marketing or promotion.

By signing this waiver, I agree to RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS AND WAIVE ALL CLAIMS that I have or may have in the future against Crestfallen LARP and BearNPC Productions LLC, its coordinators, employees, volunteers, venue, sponsors, contractors, and assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Releasee”) for all loss, damage, injury or expense which I may suffer as a result of my participation or presence at the LARP, due to any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to negligence, gross negligence or negligent rescue on the part of the Releasee and from any breach of contract, statutory duty or duty of care on the part of the Releasee.

I agree not to sue and to indemnity and hold harmless the Releasee from all claims, expenses, fees, liability, damage award or cost of any type howsoever arising from my participation in the LARP.

I HAVE CAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD THIS WAIVER, RELEASE AND INDEMNITY and am aware that by signing this document, I am waiving substantial legal rights on my own behalf, and on behalf of my estate, heirs, executors and next of kin, including giving up the right to sue.

Name: ______________________________ Email: _________________________

Emergency Contact: ___________________ Number: ________________________

Signature: __________________________ (If under the age of 18) | Date: ________________________

Guardians Name: ____________________

Signature: __________________________ Date: ________________________