Lineage Skill Categories


* = Skill may be purchased multiple times

x = Exponential Cost (example: 1st Body = 1 Point, 2nd Body = 2 points, 3rd Body = 3 points)

# = Requires Prerequisite

Dwarf Lineage Skill Category

Costume Requirements: Prop Beard (real beards do not count)

Dwarves pride themselves on their family history and traditions as well as their love of fine weapons and battles.

Only Dwarf Characters may purchase skills from this Category.

Body +2 [0 CP] When Category is purchased, character gains 2 Body

Family Stockpile [8 CP] Character gains currency at check-in

Forging [8 CP] Character is trained in Forging

Historical Research [8 CP] Character is trained in Historical Research

Immune Poison# [15 CP] Character is immune to the Poison Condition (all delivery methods)Must have Resist Poison and 30 CP in Dwarf Category to purchase

One Handed Axes/Hammers [3 CP] Character is trained with One Handed Axes/Hammers

Resist Fear [10 CP] Character may resist a Fear Condition

Resist Poison [10 CP] Character may resist a Poison Condition

Two Handed Axes/Hammers [4 CP] Character is trained with Two Handed Axes/Hammers

Wear Armor* [3 CP] Character may wear 5 Additional Armor. May only be purchased once from this Skill Category

Elf Lineage Skill Category

Costume Requirements: Pointed Ear Tips

Elves are innately attuned to magic in its many forms as well as the attentiveness to learn and retain knowledge.

Only Elf Characters may purchase skills from this Category.

Enchanting [8 CP] Character is trained in Enchanting

Immune Charm# [15 CP] Character is immune to the Charm Condition (all delivery methods) – Must have Resist Charm and 30 CP in Elf Lineage Skill Category to purchase

Immune Sleep# [15 CP] Character is immune to the Sleep Condition (all delivery methods) Must have Resist Sleep and 30 CP in Elf Lineage Skill Category to purchase

Innate Energy [0 CP] When Category is purchased, character gains 2 Energy

Magical Research [8 CP] Character is trained in Magical Research

One Handed Swords [3 CP] Character is trained with Swords

Ranged Weapon Bows [3 CP] Character is trained with Bows

Resist Charm [10 CP] Character may resist a Charm Condition

Resist Sleep [10 CP] Character may resist a Sleep Condition

Stealth,Woodlands [8 CP] Character may use Stealth in wooded areas

Hauflin Lineage Skill Category

Costume Requirements: Top Knot and Bushy Sideburns

Hauflin are often fun loving and inquisitive. These traits often get them both into and out of trouble rather quickly.

Only Hauflin Characters may purchase skills from this Category.

Alchemy [8 CP] Character is trained in Alchemy

Buckler [4 CP] Character is trained with Buckler Shields to block weapon attacks

Diplomacy [8 CP] Character may use Diplomacy to distract targets

Flesh Wound [12 CP] Character may use Flesh Wound

Gathering [8 CP] Character is trained in Gathering of resources from nature

Immune Entangle# [15 CP] Character is Immune to the Entangle Condition (all delivery methods) Must have Resist Entangle and 30 CP in Hauflin Category to purchase

Remove Poison [10 CP] Character may spend a resource to remove the Poison Condition

Resist Entangle [10 CP] Character may resist an Entangle Condition

Stamina+2 [0 CP] When Category is purchased, character gains 2 ST

Thrown Weapons [1 CP] Character is trained with Thrown Weapons

Human Lineage Skill Category

Costume Requirements: None

Humans are highly adaptive and enterprising, causing their influence to spread without many of the older lineages obstructions.

Only Human Characters may purchase skills from this Category.

Adaptable[0 CP] When Category is purchased, character gains 2 Body, 2 Energy, or 2 ST

Firearms [10 CP] Character is trained in Basic Firearms (single shot only)

Know-A-Guy [12 CP] Character knows a guy to help assist them

Medical Training [8 CP] Character may stabilize and heal Characters through natural means

Scientific Research [8 CP] Character is trained in Scientific Research

Weapon of Choice [3 CP] Character is trained in the use of one weapon of their choice, not including Firearms.

Kinfolk Lineage Skill Category

Costume Requirements: Must appear as an animal type associated with the Kinfolk. May include/but not limited to Mask, Skin Color, Hair Color, Prosthetics

Kinfolk tend to feel close to nature and a strong urge to protect it when possible. Their superior senses often make them great hunters, researchers, and warriors.

Only Kinfolk Characters may purchase skills from this Category.

Alchemy [8 CP] Character is trained in Alchemy

Berserk Augmentation [10 CP] Character deals additional damage while Berserk and may stalk target of their choosing.

Claws [4 CP] Character is trained with Claws

Cower [4 CP] Character may cower to prevent being attacked by intelligent creatures

Immune Knockback# [15 CP] Character is Immune to the Knockback Condition (all delivery methods)Must haveResist Knockback and 30 CP in Kinfolk Category to purchase

Parry [12 CP] Character may use Parry

Resist Knockback [10 CP] Character may resist a Knockback Condition

Search Area [8 CP] Character can use their heightened senses to gain information on a module or area

Thrown Weapons [1 CP] Character is trained with Thrown Weapons

Variable [0 CP] When Category is purchased, character gains 2 Body or ST

Orc Lineage Skill Category

Costume Requirements: Mask or Green Makeup (Tusks built into jawline of armor/mask suggested)

Orcs are innately bloodthirsty and ready for battle. While some choose to fight these feelings, they are always present.

Only Orc Characters may purchase skills from this Category.

Body +2 [0 CP] When Category is purchased, character gains 2 Body

Conceal Object [2 CP] Character may hide a single object on their person

Demand [5 CP] Character may demand half price for one guild item

Harvesting [8 CP] Character may harvest resources from enemies

Immune Knockdown# [15 CP] Character is immune to the Knockdown Condition (all delivery methods) Must have Resist Knockdown and 30 CP in Orc Category to purchase

One Handed Bladed Weapons [3 CP] Character is trained with One Handed Bladed Weapons

Rage [2 CP] Character may use Rage to deal more damage

Resist Bleed [10 CP] Character may resist a Bleed Condition

Resist Knockdown [10 CP] Character may resist a Knockdown Condition

Two Handed Bladed Weapons [4 CP] Character is trained with Two Handed Bladed Weapons