
This document is designed to work in concert with the current July 2023 edition of the Crestfallen rulebook to inform and outline the changes made to rules following the 2023 end of year game symposium. These changes will be included in the future edition of the rulebook upon finalization.

Basic Game Mechanic Changes

Wearing Armor: All characters now begin the game with the ability to wear 10 points of armor, following the current armor rules listed on page 44. As such, the first purchase of the Wear Armor skill would increase the character’s minimum armor to 15 instead of 5.

Skill Category Changes

Purchasing Categories: Characters no longer spend 5 CP to unlock their first skill category. Characters gain access to their lineage skill category, the general skill category, and a category of their choosing without CP cost. If a character wishes to purchase a second skill category it will cost 5 CP. Subsequent categories increase in cost as per the currently outlined rules (10 CP for third, 15 CP for fourth, etc).

Crafting Theory: This skill has been removed from the game and its in-game effects are now covered under Scientific Research (page 139). This skill is available for purchase from the Academic and Craftsman categories at the cost of 10 CP, as well as the Human Lineage category at the cost of 8 CP.

Specialization: Healing and Harming have been removed from the options of specialization under this skill (page 142).