Credits and Acknowledgments


Writing: Beren Olean

Editing: Sheri Errico, Chaz Linn

Art and Logo: Erica Pozanco Gómez aka Valkayaki (,


Crestfallen wouldn’t be the game that it is without our previous LARP experiences, both good and bad. Thank you to the previous games we have owned, run, staffed, and attended. The lessons we have learned from these experiences have been invaluable.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our playtests and starter events. Anji, Brad, Chaz, Dade, Johnathan, Larry, Matt, Michael, Ray, Sheri, Vince, and Zack you made the thought of Crestfallen a reality and allowed me to move forward with its creation.

Thanks, and all credit due to Chaz, Matt, and Sheri. The first three staff members of Crestfallen LARP. Your work and belief in this game has kept me going.

Chaz has been a great ambassador for our game to other groups and a wonderful sounding board for rules.

Matt has made and helped organize the props and other physical projects that we are constantly working on.

Sheri has built our wonderful character database, sandbox and helps maintain our logistics and sanity.

Thank you and credit to Scott for his technological knowledge and production skills. Not only has he built the core of our website, but he has also taken the time to show me several skills for creating web content, zines, rulebooks, and so much more. The assistance in creating professional-looking materials has been very helpful and been a welcome addition.

Thank you to Melissa for your assistance in developing mental health considerations and acting as a medical consultant.

Thank you to Erica Pozanco Gomez (Valkayaki) for the wonderful art that she has created for me over the years. She has done all of the NPC character models, different logos, maps and other concept art. Her professionalism has been second to none.

Thank you Alex Chaffins for creating the BearNPC logo. He is a talented artist that continues to work locally to improve his art and skills.

Thank you to Ericka Skirpan for her blog posts and rules consolidation of different safety mechanics. Coming from a system that did not have these, your blog was vital in creating a safe feel for the Crestfallen mechanics.

A special thank you to the players of the Katalossa games throughout the years. You have helped to build this world into something much larger than I could have ever done on my own. Special thanks are owed to my campaign groups. Thank you to Anna, Aj, Brett, Dan, Logan, Nancy, Pat, Rene, and Steve from campaigns 1 and 2. Thank you to Brad, Forest, John, Larry, Melissa, Ray, Rene, and Sheri from campaigns 3 and 4.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to my family. My Mom and Dad for giving me my nerdy name and promoting literature through my life. Rene, my wife, for her support for me and my LARP dreams regardless of the times being good or bad. Lastly, Mira and Rhys for being a constant reminder of trying to be a good person and to give you the best that I can.