Crafting, Science, & Technology

Crafting, Science, & Technology

Crafting items in Crestfallen have four levels

  • Basic

  • Augmentation

  • Mastery

  • Technology.



Basic Crafting

Granted by the Alchemy, Enchanting, and Forging Skills.

Basic Build Items

Basic build items last for the duration of the event, until used, or until destroyed. A Break effect destroys a basic build item. These items are marked on the character sheet and cannot be traded between characters after creation. All Basic Build items require an appropriate prop in their description. This item is required to use the effect of a Basic Build Item. One Basic Crafting Component and 30 minutes of acting out the brewing, building, or enchanting creates 5 Basic Build Items or the Craft Effect from one appropriate craft.

Craft Effects

Each skill can do a craft effect.

Alchemy Cover

Basic Build Items
  • Alchemical Grenade: Spell Ammo - A character may throw a ranged attack with the verbal of β€œ5 damage”.

  • Alchemical Flashbang: Spell Ammo - A character may throw a ranged attack with the verbal of β€œKnockback”.

  • Tangle Bag: Spell Ammo – A character may throw a ranged attack with the verbal of β€œEntangle Foot”

  • Alcohol: Potion Bottle – A character may drink or grant another a drink that grants the Distracted effect.

Craft Effect
Weapon Poison +1

Purple Ribbon – A character may deal 1 additional point of damage with a weapon that has the craft effect until the item is broken or destroyed. This may not be used on Firearms.

Enchanting Cover

Basic Build Items
  • Healing Potion: Potion Bottle - A character may drink or be fed this potion with the verbal of β€œ5 healing”.
  • Heartiness Potion: Potion Bottle – A character may drink or be fed this potion with the verbal of β€œ5 Body” This potion grants 5 additional Body points which are lost before costuming and normal Body points. A character may only have additional Body points from one source at a time. The highest value takes precedence.
  • Enchanted Armor Wand: Wand Prop and Spell Ammo – A character may touch Spell Ammo to a Wand Prop while using the verbal β€œ5 Enchanted Armor”. The caster may then snap the Wand Prop and throw or touch the Spell Ammo to a target. This grants the target 5 additional Armor points if they are already wearing armor. They may use these additional points over the maximum amount granted by the Wear Armor skill. A character may only have additional Armor points from one source at a time. The highest value takes precedence.
  • Mana Potion: Potion Bottle - A character may drink or be fed this potion with the verbal of β€œ1 Energy”. This potion grants 1 Energy to the character who drinks it. A character may only drink 5 Mana Potions per event.
Craft Effect
Rune of Protection

Wearable Rune – A character may wear one Rune of Protection at any given time. The first spell that hits a character wearing a Rune of Protection, is negated with the call of β€œresist”. This β€œresist” must be used, regardless of the spell being thrown. A spell that is cast via touch does not trigger this β€œresist”.

Forging Cover

Basic Build Items
  • One Handed Weapon: One Handed Weapon under 46” (116.84 Cm) - A character may use any One Handed Weapon that fits the appropriate size and safety requirements. These weapons are put on to the character sheet and are destroyed with a Break or Destroy Condition.

  • Two Handed Weapons: Two Handed Weapon 46.1” to 75” (190.5 Cm) - A character may use any Two Handed Weapon that fits the appropriate size and safety requirements. These weapons are put on to the character sheet and are destroyed with a Break or Destroy Condition.

  • Ranged Weapon: Any Thrown Weapon (Small/Coreless), Crossbow Min/Max Dimension 12”/24” (30.48Cm/60.96 Cm) or Bow Min/Max Length 34”/44” (86.36Cm/111.76Cm) - A character may use any Ranged Weapon that fits the appropriate size and safety requirements. These weapons are put on to the character sheet, and are destroyed with a Break or Destroy Condition.

  • Shield and/or Buckler Shield: Shield Maximum 36” (91.44 Cm) Tall at longest dimension. Maximum 24” (60.96 Cm) Wide at longest dimension shield. Buckler Maximum 20” diameter. May Hold or Strap to Arm - A character may use any Shield that fits the appropriate size and safety requirements. These shields are put on to the character sheet and are destroyed with a Break or Destroy Condition.

  • Armor: Prop Evaluated By Staff - A character may use any Armor that fits the appropriate size and safety requirements. This armor is put on to the character sheet and is destroyed with a Break or Destroy Condition.

Craft Effect
Repair Item

A tagged Item and prop – A character may repair a broken item, allowing it to be used once more. To repair a tagged item, the crafter must put their character number on the durability box to show that it has been repaired. Additionally, armor that has not lost all of its points and gained the broken condition may be repaired with no resource cost, no durability loss, and 5 minutes of acting out the repair.

Crafting: Augmentation

An Augmentation item is a tagged item with a set durability and different game effects. To craft an Augmented Item, a character must either have an Approved Project Design Card OR they must create one. The creation of an Approved Project Design Card takes time based on the items complexity. Crafters should discuss their plans with Plot prior to events, and attempts are tracked on character sheets for open transparency between plot and players. Players may use their Research skills and other resources to attempt to speed up the production of a Design Card. Plot may ask for a character to Playtest a design prior to approval. Final approval for Playtest Design Cards goes to the Player Base Votes at the end of each season.

If the character has the appropriate skills and an Approved Project Design Card, they may spend the resources listed on the card and 30 minutes of acting out the brewing, building, or enchanting to create the item.

All Augmented Items have the following standardized limiting rules.

  • Durability starts at 1 and may be no more than 16.
  • Charged items use 1 durability per use.
  • Items granting bonuses to damage may not exceed +1
  • Items dealing spell damage or healing may not exceed 20 points
  • Items have a set resource cost in Basic and Common Resources only
  • Rare resources may be used but have no additional effect items.

Augmentation Project Designs

These are sample designs that need to be discovered as Project Design Cards while you play and are reprinted here for reference.

Common Armor

Prop: Armor

Durability: 8

Type: Forging

May be repaired when it gains the broken condition. When repaired, loses 1 durability.

Common Two Handed Weapon

Prop: Two Handed Weapon Prop

Durability: 8

Type: Forging

This weapon may be repaired when it gains the broken condition. When repaired, this item loses 1 durability.

Ranged Weapon

Prop: Bow, Crossbow or Thrown Weapon Prop

Durability: 8

Type: Forging

This weapon may be repaired when it gains the broken condition. When repaired, this item loses 1 durability.

Common Shield

Description: Buckler or Shield Prop

Durability: 8

Type: Forging

This shield may be repaired when it gains the broken condition. When repaired, this item loses 1 durability.

Tangle Foot Bag

Prop: Bag Prop with Spell Ammo

Type: Alchemy

1 loss of durability allows the user to throw a spell ammo with the call “Entangle Foot”.

Elven Wine

Prop: Bottle, Vial, or Jug Prop

Type: Alchemy

1 loss of durability and 3 seconds of acting out drinking grants the target 2 ST. Elf characters gain 4 ST instead.

Dwarven Ale

Prop: Bottle, Vial, or Jug Prop

Type: Alchemy

1 loss of durability and 3 seconds of acting out drinking grants the target 4 ST. Non-Dwarf characters gain the dazed condition for 10 minutes.

Common Alcohol

Prop: Bottle, Vial, or Jug Prop

Type: Alchemy

1 loss of durability and 3 seconds of acting out drinking grants the target 1 ST and the distracted condition for 5 minutes.

Resource Bag

Prop: Pouch or Bag Prop

Type: Enchanting

1 loss of durability grants the user one basic resource or one item from a basic build list.

Common Fire Wand

Prop: Wand Prop

Type: Enchanting

1 loss of durability grants the user the ability to throw the following spell “May your essence forever burn 10 fire”.

Common Ice Wand

Prop: Wand Prop

Type: Enchanting

1 loss of durability grants the user the ability to throw the following spell “May your essence forever freeze 10 ice”.

Common Stone Wand

Prop: Wand Prop

Type: Enchanting

1 loss of durability grants the user the ability to throw the following spell “May you be pelted with pointy rocks 10 stone”.

Common Lightning Wand

Prop: Wand Prop

Type: Enchanting

1 loss of durability grants the user the ability to throw the following spell “May lightning scorch you 10 lightning”.

Wind Up Mouse

Prop: Mouse Toy Prop

Type: Enchanting

Durability: 8

1 loss of durability allows the user to scout a job or adventure as per the search area skill.

Common Healing Potion

Prop: Bottle, Vial, or Jug Prop

Type: Alchemy

Durability: 8

1 loss of durability and 3 seconds of acting out drinking grants the target 5 healing.

Healing Salve

Prop: Bottle, Vial, or Jug Prop

Type: Alchemy

Durability: 8

1 loss of durability and 3 seconds of acting out applying grants the target 5 healing or doubles the healing of any medical training used on the target.

Common Forge

Prop: Forge Prop

Type: Forging

Durability: 8

1 loss of durability per event used grants users of this prop a 5 minute reduction in all forging times.

Common Alchemy Lab

Prop: Alchemy Lab Prop

Type: Alchemy

Durability: 8

1 loss of durability per event used grants users of this prop a 5 minute reduction in all alchemy times.

Common Enchanting Lab

Prop: Enchanting Lab Prop

Type: Enchanting

Durability: 8

1 loss of durability per event used grants users of this prop a 5 minute reduction in all enchanting times.

Crafting: Mastery

Mastery items are also tagged items but have different restrictions and more game effects possible. An Approved Project Design Card is still required to create a Mastery item and follow all the other rules set forth in the Augmentation section.

If the character has the appropriate skills and an Approved Project Design Card, they may spend the resources listed on the card and 30 minutes of acting out the brewing, building, or enchanting to create the item.

All Mastery Items have the following standardized limiting rules.

  • Durability starts at 1 and may be increased to 32.
  • Unlimited Durability items are possible to craft at this level.
  • Items granting bonuses to damage may not exceed +3
  • Items dealing spell damage or healing may not exceed 60 points
  • Items have a set resource cost in Basic, Common, and/or Rare Resources
  • Additional currency or resources may be required
  • Additional currency or resources may be used to modify effects during creation based on the resources and plot based effects (percentile role for possible effects)

Mastery Project Designs

Crafting: Technology

Technology items are the combination of two or more Crafting Skills with additional input from other skills within the game. These tagged items are wild and varied and require a Playtest period as described in the Crafting: Augmentation section.

If the character(s) has(have) the appropriate skills and an Approved Project Design Card, they may spend the resources listed on the card and 30 minutes of acting out the brewing, building, or enchanting to create the item.

All Technology items have the following standardized limiting rules.

  • Durability starts at 1 and may be increased to 32.
  • Technology items may never be made with Unlimited Durability.
  • Items granting bonuses to damage may not exceed +6
  • Items dealing spell damage or healing may not exceed 100 points
  • Items have a set resource cost in Basic, Common, and/or Rare Resources
  • Additional currency or resources may be required
  • Chance of failure or unforeseen outcomes and plot based effects occur (percentile role for possible effects)

Technology Project Designs