

Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Defined Prop, Physical Structure

The target of this condition must take the effect of any damage or condition attached to it when touching or within the defined area during any part of the call.


Duration: While combat is ongoing or for 1 minute of downtime following. A battle ends for a character if they gain the spirit, condition, combat ends with at least 1 minute of downtime for all participants, or after being out of sight and range of the battle for 1 minute. A character that is being guarded or carried off by a hostile creature is still considered in battle for the purposes of conditions that end following a battle.

Valid Targets: Characters, Creatures

A battle occurs when 2 or more characters or creatures are attacking each other. Some skills use the end of a battle as a condition for the skill to end. A Character or Creature is not allowed to hide at the edge of a fight to end such a skill on themselves.


Duration: Until Removed or End of Battle

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target becomes enraged beyond control and attempts to kill all characters and creatures near them, starting with what they consider to be the closest, regardless of line of sight. The character must deal the maximum damage with all attacks and spell damage. This does not force the character to use any ST or energy based skills.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target is bleeding constantly and cannot benefit from any type of healing effect. This includes all effects that heal damage, bring characters back to life after becoming dead, and effects that extend death and dying counts.

Broken (Break)

Duration: Until Repaired

Valid Targets: Armor, Claw, Item, Limb, Shield, Weapon

The target is broken and must be repaired before it can be used properly.

  • Weapons that gain this condition may only deal 1 point of damage.
  • Shields that gain this condition do not fully protect its owner, dealing 1 point of damage to its wielder every time it is struck. Additionally, a broken shield will not protect its wielder from a condition attack such as waylay.
  • Armor that gains this condition loses all armor points until repaired.
  • Limbs that are broken may not be used (Hopping while in combat is not allowed).
  • Claws and limbs that are broken may be fixed by medical training augmentation#.
  • Any other item that gains this condition is not usable. Items can be repaired to remove this condition using the appropriate crafting skill. Basic items that become broken are destroyed at the end of a battle. All tagged items lose one durability when repaired from the broken condition.


Duration: Until Removed, Attacked by the caster

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target views the character that charmed them as their best friend. This target will listen and follow most suggestions, if they are things the character would normally do for a friend such as protect them, share information with them, lend basic items, and attack hostile creatures if they are unknown to the target. This will not force the target to go against their normal behaviors including breaking laws, killing friends, giving away all of their items, allowing themselves to be defenseless, or killing themselves. The charmed target does not remember being charmed after the duration ends or when it is removed.


Duration: Until Removed by standing, Being Attacked, Target Attacks or 5 minutes

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target must fall prone or drop to one knee. During this time the target may call “cower”. All intelligent creatures view the cowering target as harmless and will not attack them. Primal creatures (animals) and unintelligent creatures (most undead) may disregard the cower condition at the discretion of plot. Characters with the deduction skill may use it to ignore the cower condition. Stamina is used when using deduction in this way.


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this conditions takes the amount of damage said along with it. Taking damage should be acted out. If a player takes enough damage to lose all armor and body points, they gain the dying condition.


Duration: Until Removed, Attacked, or 5 minutes

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target stares off into space, not noticing or remembering anything that happens during the duration of the condition. If the target is attacked, they instantly remember everything that has occurred during the condition, including the character that put the condition on them if seen or heard. If the condition lasts the full 5 minutes, the target believes that nothing is wrong and tries to go back to what they were doing, assuming that they were sleepy or zoned out for a moment. There is no way to regain memories once the 5 minutes has been completed.


Duration: Until Removed or 5 Minutes

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition is lifeless and retains no sensory knowledge of anything. When a target gains this condition, all active spells end with the exception of bleed. The target will remain motionless and silent during this condition unless specifically asked questions by other characters using game skills such as Medical Training. If the target retains the dead condition for 5 minutes, then the target loses 1 essence point, the body vanishes, and gains the spirit, condition. All in game and out of game items are retained by the player.


Duration: Permanent

Valid Targets: Armor, Claw, Item, Limb, Shield, Weapon

The target item is destroyed and cannot be repaired. If the target is a basic item, it should be removed from the character sheet as soon as possible. If the target is a crafted item with a tag, then all durability must be removed, but it may be fixed with the maintenance# skill or rebuilt with its full craft cost if the Project Design Card is also used. Claws and Limbs targeted with this condition are treated as if they have the broken condition and may be fixed by medical training augmentation#. (Hopping while in combat is not allowed).


Duration: Until Removed, Being Attacked, or Effect Ends

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition is distracted by the character or creature that used the ability. While that character is speaking with the target or keeping their attention, the target must only pay attention to the distraction. The target does not hear other people talking unless they are part of the conversation/act. The target does not see anything unless it is about the character or others taking part in the conversation.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target views the character that dominated them as their best friend. This target will listen and follow all suggestions and orders. This will not change the targets normal tendencies or tactics, unless specifically ordered to do so. The target can be ordered to do anything; however, this does not give the player who used the dominate condition the right to be offensive or hateful. If at any point any player is uncomfortable with how an interaction is going out of game, a “pause” should be called, and a staff member contacted at once for everybody’s safety.


Duration: 1 Minute, Until Stabilized, or Until Healed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition is on the verge of death and retains no sensory knowledge of anything. While in this condition a player will act out being wounded. Examples include groaning, making quiet statements, and subtle movements. The player cannot move from where they are located, but are allowed to reposition themselves as they are dying. One minute after entering the dying condition, the target dies (gaining the dead condition and losing the dying condition). If a character starts using the medical training# skill on the target, the dying count freezes at its current number. If the target is stabilized, it loses the dying condition and gains the unconscious condition with 1 body. If the target is healed, they lose the dying condition immediately and are conscious.

Elemental (Fire, Ice, Stone, Lightning)

Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of these conditions takes the amount of damage said along with it. There are some creatures or effects that may allow the target to take double the amount of damage, take no damage, or even be healed by the damage of these elemental types. Taking damage should be acted out, while healing may be difficult to notice.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Arms, Body, Feet of Character or Creature

A character or creature with entangled feet cannot walk, run, or move in any way from where they are currently positioned. A character or creature with Entangled arms cannot move their arms and cannot attack with them, but do not have to drop what they are currently holding and may walk/run. A character or creature with entangled body may not move at all, except to speak. The entangled body condition acts as both entangled feet and arms at the same time.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition becomes irrationally scared of the character or creature that used the ability. While under the effects the target should attempt to remove themselves from visual range of the character or creature that used the ability. The character or creature may act out this fear in whatever way they wish including silence, screaming, zoned out appearance, etc. A character or creature under this condition is not restricted regarding speed.

Greater Undead

Duration: Permanent

Valid Targets: Character with 0 Essence, Creature with 0 Essence

The target of this condition becomes a sentient Undead with their own thoughts and decision-making abilities.


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition takes the amount of damage said along with it. There are some creatures or effects that may allow the target to take double the amount of damage, take no damage, or even be healed by the damage. Taking damage should be acted out, while healing may be difficult to notice.


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition is healed by the amount said along with it. There are some creatures or effects that may allow the target to take damage, take double the amount of damage, or not take any effect to the condition. Taking damage should be acted out, while healing may be difficult to notice.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition takes double the damage from all sources until it is removed. This does not have an effect on healing in any way.


Duration: Until Dropped or Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature, Item

A character or creature using this condition must hold one arm over their face, covering their mouth, to denote the condition is in effect. An item with this condition must have a ribbon attached to it to denote the condition is in effect. While this condition is in effect, the target is invisible and cannot be noticed by normal means. An invisible item may not be removed from a character or creature.


Duration: Until Action Completed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition must immediately take 5 steps directly away from the player delivering the condition. If the target cannot safely move straight away from the player, they must move as safely and quickly away from them as possible but are moved 10 total steps. Following either movement, the target may not move closer to the player for 5 seconds (though the player may move closer to the target). While moving away from the character and during the 5 seconds of non-advancement, the target may not attack the player in any way, though they may defend themselves, attack others, and use abilities on themselves.


Duration: Until Action Completed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition must immediately fall flat onto the ground OR drop to one knee for at least 10 seconds. During either of these motions, the target cannot attack other targets, defend themselves or use any abilities other than cower. Please take others safety into consideration when acting out this condition.



Valid Targets:


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target is fatigued due to poison and all ST, energy, and resource costs are doubled until the poison is removed.


Duration: Permanent

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition may use weapons, bucklers, and shields they are proficient with to maximum effectiveness. If a character or creature uses a weapon, buckler, and/or shield that they are not proficient with, they must treat it as if it had the broken condition, though it will not need to be repaired (unless it gains the broken condition while it is used).


Duration: Effect Ends or 5 minutes

Valid Targets: Armor, Character, Creature, Defined Prop, Item, Shield, Structure, Weapon

The target of this condition is immediately compelled to leave an area and remain at least 5 feet away. This area should be defined by the area and/or voice conditions. If the target is within the defined area, they must immediately leave and may not make any attacks until they are 5 feet from it (though they may still defend themselves, use resist calls, and non-hostile counted actions).


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Attacks, Character, Creature

The resist condition signifies that some or all of an attack has been negated, dependent on the skill used. This is a frequent call.

Search (Harvesting)

Duration: 1 minute

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

A character or creature may impose the search or search harvesting condition upon another character or creature. While this condition is taking place, all available currency (and resources if harvesting) must be given to the character or creature that is imposing the search. If this condition is imposed on a character, only basic and common resources must be given. Additionally, a specific item may be searched for, but must be named or described to the target being searched to be found. It is up to plot discretion if additional tagged items or rare resources are given from NPCs.


Duration: 10 Seconds

Valid Targets: Character, Condition, Creature, Item, Lineage, Magic

The sense condition simulates heightened or magical senses above normal perception. This condition is typically combined with a phrase of what is being sensed. The target of this condition must raise their hand if they meet the description of what is being sensed. It is up to the user of this ability to notice if a character raised their hand or not. This condition should not be used to distract targets during combat to gain an advantage, but instead, used outside of active combat to direct acting and investigations.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition may not speak or cast spells until removed.


Duration: Until Removed or Battle, whichever occurs first

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition falls asleep and retains no sensory knowledge of anything until removed.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition cannot run and must double all counted actions until removed.


Duration: Special

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition is noticeable in game as a spirit but cannot be interacted with unless an ability may specifically target a Spirit. This condition is represented by the player crossing their arms over their chest (and holding/wearing a blue glowstick or light at night if possible). A character who has transitioned into a spirit from having the dead condition must walk directly to a resurrection point to determine their characters fate. Spirits have the same knowledge as their player/character, so they may avoid resurrection locations that they may feel is dangerous. The target of this condition retains no sensory knowledge while in this condition.


Duration: Special

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition loses the dying condition, gains 1 body, and gains the unconscious condition.


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Any Attack, Area, Character (Including body parts), Claw, Condition, Creature (including body parts), Defined Area, Item, Limb, Lineage, Physical Structure, Shield, Weapon

A target is something that a condition may be used on or a limiting factor for a condition or spell. If a condition or spell calls a particular target it only takes effect on that target. If a condition or spell has a target included in its call that does not correspond to what it hits, it is treated as a “resist”.


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Armor, Character, Creature, Item, Shield, Weapon

The target of this condition must take the effect of any damage or condition attached to it when struck with a weapon blow or ranged projectile, regardless of blocking with an item, shield, or weapon. This damage still damages armor first and body second. Resist calls may still negate unblockable conditions.


Duration: 5 minutes, Until Healed, or Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition is unconscious due to damage and retains no sensory knowledge of anything. The target has 1 HP and retains the unconscious condition until they receive additional healing or 5 minutes has passed.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character with Dead Condition, Creature with Dead Condition

The target of this condition becomes a mindless undead without their own decision-making abilities. Undead have the Dominate condition and can be controlled by greater undead. Undead will follow the orders of its creator if there is a discrepancy in orders.


Duration: Instantaneous

Valid Targets: Armor, Character, Creature, Defined Prop, Item, Shield, Weapon

The target of this condition must take the effect of any damage or condition attached to it when heard out loud. This condition is used to mimic areas of effect (fireball) or sound based effects (bardic music/curses by word alone). A character may not negate these conditions by covering ears or pretending that they do not hear the condition.


Duration: Until Removed

Valid Targets: Character, Creature

The target of this condition becomes clumsy when attacking causing all damage dealt to be reduced in half.