Posts in 2024
  • The Artisan

    Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in Basic Builds

    An artisan in media is an accomplished craftsperson who either through learning or doing has honed a craft to the point where they are sought out for their craft. In Crestfallen there are 4 distinct crafting types: Alchemy, Enchanting, Forging, and …

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  • The Aristocrat

    Tuesday, January 23, 2024 in Basic Builds

    An aristocrat is in media a member of a higher caste or ruling class that often has more education, status, or money than others in their town/kingdom/etc. While the cause for this can vary wildly depending on the character’s familial background, …

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Posts in 2023
  • The Academic

    Tuesday, November 28, 2023 in Basic Builds

    For our first basic build I will focus on one that is fairly straightforward, the Academic. An academic can be any character who eschewed the hard labors of… well, hard labor. These are your scholars, your scribes, your newspeople, your scientists, …

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