Packing For Adventure: A Guide to Packing For Any LARP


This guide is being written as a generic guide to LARP packing, but will include some more Crestfallen LARP focused items throughout. To make the article easier to organize we will break it down into sections focusing on the following.

  1. Generic Items - Should Always Pack
  2. One Day Event - Short Adventures
  3. Long Events - Over Night Adventures
  4. Self Care - Food, Medicine, And More
  5. Ambiance - Pretty Additions

Generic Items

Taking part in a LARP requires its players to think as a player, a character, and a camper all at the same time. Because of this, there are a lot of items that players will need to bring or source from the LARP.

Thinking as the player of a game, it is important to know what you need to play the game. For this I would focus on the following items.

  • Rulebook - Make sure to have access to the rules of the game in either a print out or digital version so it can be referenced when needed.
  • Rules Addendums, Additions, Changelog, etc - Some games are more complicated than others. Make sure that there are print or digital versions of all rules changes that you may need to reference.
  • Character Sheet - This may be provided by the game or should be brought to the game. (Crestfallen provides sheets when a player registers for the game online or through the mail.)
  • Required Props - This list should include everything that you as a player must have to play the game, including safety mechanic props. This list could include prop weapons, spell ammunition, potion bottles, headbands, armbands, armor/costuming, lineage props, lineage makeup, currency, and tags.

Thinking as the character is slightly different.

  • Important Personal Props - Does the character have important props that define them as a character? Hat, pocket watch, symbols, jewelry, etc.
  • Plot Related Items - Does the character have specific tagged items or items they feel are required for their own story or background? “Lucky Items”, security blanket, image of loved one, letters from home, etc.

As a camper, even for short events, a player should be prepared with the following items

  • Clothes - Make sure the clothes you are wearing and your costume are appropriate for the weather. Additionally, a minimum of one change of clothes and costume change should be brought in case of emergency. Crestfallen LARP - Shirtless/pantless adventuring is unacceptable regardless of gender, but not so at many other games.
  • Glasses/Contacts - For players who need corrective lenses, it is highly recommended to bring all necessary supplies and a back up set in case of emergency.
  • Blanket/Towel - Having a blanket and towel in case of emergencies is always suggested.
  • Food/Medication - This will be notated later, but it is important to take care of your personal physical needs at all times at a LARP.

One Day Events

One day events are normally scheduled for set times during the day and are often held at a public park or other rental site. Packing for a one day event should focus on the generic items listed, but how they are packed and accessed is often much different than weekend events. Players are encouraged to learn as much about the location before the event as they can. Often important questions include the following.

Are there bathrooms or changing locations? This will determine if the player should arrive at the event in a majority of their costume or can change on site.

Is there a place to escape the elelements? Having a pavillion, lodge, or other building will determine how the one day continues if there is bad weather. This is also very important to keep in mind if the player is very susceptible to the cold and rain. Keeping an extra blanket, coat, hand warmers, or other supplies should be considered.

How will food be handled? Will players be expected to eat before and after the event? Can players bring food to eat? Can players sell/trade food to others? Will food be provided by the LARP? This will be discussed later, but must be considered in these ways for a one day event.

Is there a place for personal items to be store? How easy/difficult is it to travel back to the vehicles? This may determine how much can be brought to an event and accessed safely.

Long Events

Long events are usually weekend or week long events where a site is rented and players may stay on site. Packing for these events should focus on the generic items listed as well as additional items based on the accomodations available. Players are encouraged to learn as much about the location before the event as they can.

Rustic Cabin Accomodations - These rough cabin usually sleep 4 to 10 people depending on size. These cabins are not normally insulated and require a well insulated sleeping bag and possible cot or bedding.

Modern Cabin Accomodations - These modern cabins usually sleep 4 to 16 people depending on size. These cabins usually have insulation and heating/air conditioning and require at least basic bedding and possible cot/inflatable mattresses.

Bunk House Accomodations - A bunk house is a large building that holds a number of cots or open floor area for people to sleep.

Adirondack Accomodations - Adirondacks are open faced buildings that sleep a small group of 4 to 8 people. The building has a roof and three walls, but tarps or blankets must be used to cover the remaining side for privacy and the elements. It is important to include a well insulated sleeping bag, tarps, and rope/cables to block the remaining wall of the adirondack off.

Camping Accomodations - Tent platforms or open ground camping requires the player to bring a tent, ground cover, and well insulated sleeping bag for safe use.

Off Site Accomodations - Some players do not like to stay on site and prefer more modern accomodations. Players are welcome to stay off site at a hotel, motel, or even drive from home. Many games will find this acceptable, while others will not. Please check with your local LARP regarding how this is handled within the rules.

Communal Buildings - Some sites are equiped with a communal building that may be used as a gathering hall, tavern, or guild building. These buildings are normally heated but do not allow players to sleep in them. Check with your LARP staff for local rules regarding these buildings. Some games allow players to use these buildings for communal kitchens, allowing players to use the appliances and utensils if they are cleaned appropriately after. Also, many of these buildings house public restrooms.

Communal Shower/Restrooms - Some sites are equiped with communal shower/restroom buildings. Rules regarding the use of these facilities should be given by the local LARP staff. Gendered facilities may or may not be provided. Regardless, it is best to ensure that a specific shower or stall is empty prior to use. It is not appropriate to share or intrude on the use of an occupied stall. Players who plan to shower during the course of a long event should inquire if a shower is available on site and any rules regarding it. When packing, make sure to bring towels, soap/body wash, and additional toiletries as necessary. Crestfallen LARP - Please note that our current weekend site, Knotted Pines, has a communal shower available for our use upon our request. At our current size, we do not plan on using this building unless it is specifically requested. The shower building is close to the adirondack accomodations and is more expensive to opperate due to its distance from the main building on site.

When planning for a long event, the following items should be heavily considered.

  • A cot/inflatable mattress/sleeping bag and appropriate bedding for the weather.
  • A storage tote with lid to store out of game items in. These are best if made to look like in game materials or covered with a blanket or tapestry to keep the area feeling in game. This should be clearly marked out of game on the lid to make sure no one searches through personal items.
  • Personal hygene, shower, and sanitation items. Players are encouraged to keep themselves clean and sanitary during the LARP experience. Please avoid the overuse of spray deodorant, as this creates additional odor, rather than removing the offending one.
  • Additional costuming and clothing is necessary for longer events. Outer garments such as armor, surcoats, and cloaks can be reused on multiple days without being cleaned. Shirts, pants, and undergarments should be changed as needed. During times of intense heat or poor weather, these will need changed more often than normal.

Self Care

Self care is often a point that LARPers ignore or forget in their excitement for an event. Please consider the following items and how they are handled.

  1. Food - Check with the LARP to see if food is provided by the game, there are players who buy/sell food, or if the player must provide food on their own. The LARP should have appropriate food preparation paperwork if they are preparing and selling the food or including it as part of its cost. If players are buying/selling food, it is up to the player to determine if the buyer/seller is creating a safe item to consume. A game that has a good food culture will generally have a number of food vendors or providers. Some LARP games hold pot luck style meals so that there are multpile types of food available and to build the community feel. If no food is available, the players must determine if there is food for sale close by or if they will bring/prepare their own food. Checking on the status of electricty on site, areas to clean and prep, and maintain safe food temperatures are important considerations. Many groups/teams will organize food, utensiles, and tools for their own group. The use of Crockpots, Instant Pots, and similar slow cooking devices are highly encouraged. Packaged items that do not need to be refrigerated or much preparation are highly encouraged until a player is comfortable with a LARPs local food culture. In addition to meals, it is highly encouraged to bring easy to access snack food for use while on the go. These would include snack cakes, jerky, crackers, cereal bars, or similar items.
  2. Water/Drinks - Hydration is very important for LARP safety and self care. It is very important to know if the water on site is drinkable and where it may be accessed. Additionally it is good to know if water and drinks are supplied by the LARP and where they may be accessed.
  3. Medicine/Medical Supplies - Medicine and other required supplements are very important and must be regulated by the player themselves. Most LARPs do not track player medical history, medications, and similar items as they do not have proper training to do so. It is important to have all medicine available on site, with extra just in case. Additionally, it is important for a player to have other players aware of any medical issues in case an emergency arises. Medical information is private and must only be disclosed based on the players comfort level. Likewise, the player should be aware of any risks if this information is not available in an emergency situation.
  4. Proper Sleep - While sleep is not a physical item, it is a very important self care item. Not having the proper items for sleep, as well as possible medical items necessary for sleep, may cause the player to have a less enjoyable time and possible dangerous outcomes if traveling without enough sleep. Players must ensure that they have everything necessary for proper sleep. Additionally, games should ensure that players receive enough sleep to stay safe. Crestfallen LARP - Please note, Crestfallen treats sleeping players as occupied and engaged players. Our game does not focus on causing sleep deprivation, keeping players awake, or waking them from sleep. Players that actively endanger themselves or others by not getting proper sleep or hindering the sleep of others will be warned and receive punishments with continued violations.
  5. Emergency Money - Unexpected things can always occur, so having an amount of emergency funds is highly recommended. This can be used for unforseen prop repairs, an impromptu pizza run, or gas money when a bank card randomly doesn’t work.


Players are encouraged to make areas feel in game as much as possible. The following items are useful to consider when packing to make a truly in game area.

  • Blankets/furs to cover out of game items and air mattresses/cots
  • Tapestries
  • Crates
  • Barrels
  • Crafting Tools
  • Books
  • Lantern/Candle Props
  • Folding Chair with blanket/fur covering
  • Tarps w/rope to divide rooms
  • Metal Camping Cups/Tankards/Wooden Mugs
  • Metal/Wood Plates
  • Firewood if fires are allowed (NOTE: This should be bought LOCALLY for safety purposes)

Often times these items can be use to spruce up an area as well as be used to transport items to and from game.

When thinking about building an in game feel to an area, it is also important to think about what you DON’T want to see. Here are items people often forget to hide while LARPing that pulls players out of game.

  • Plastic/Alluminum drink containers
  • Food wrappers
  • Out of game advertisements/posters
  • Tennis Shoes
  • Generic T-Shirts

Crestfallen LARP Specific

Crestfallen LARP never expects our players to be perfect. We understand that everyone starts their LARP adventure in different spots. Because of this, we have a few points we want to make sure our players understand.

  • Everyone is a work in progress. All players will have parts of their gear and packing list that they do not like or detract from other players games. Our goal is to be supportive and grow as players and as a game. It is more important to take part in the LARP than to worry about having the “perfect” items.
  • As a way to help players, Crestfallen will have a lending library of costume pieces, weapons, and similar items to help players as they progress.

Closing and Thoughts?

We at Crestfallen LARP want to help players make the most of events. We are available on our Discord to help answer questions and assist with packing lists and suggestions of our LARP or any other!

Anything we missed? We would love to hear what you have to think on our discord or privately at