Crestfallen Attendance Cancelation Policy

Life happens and we try our best to be understanding while covering our costs. When a player registers for one of our events, it allows us to pay for the site, insurance, and our plans such as props and gear.

We don’t want anyone to miss out on the story, but players who are sick or emotionally distraught should always refrain from attending for the safety of all. Players should always prioritize real life and should never show up to an event feeling sick.

Players who cancel attending for any reason will have their event fee pushed towards another event within the year. Additionally, we will send that events copy of the All-Of Branch, an event summary, and add 5 leaves and a basic resource to the characters sheet. These will currently be digital offerings, but we hope to add physical mailings in the future.

After a year, Crestfallen will keep the event fee and stop sending items, but will retain a credit of the fee.

Players should not be penalized for doing the right thing to keep the community safe. While we would always love to see players come out to events, we don’t want people to feel forced in attending or feel like they are missing out on the story. Roleplay and interaction is an important part of our game, but our story should be accessible to players on a basic level, regardless of previous attendance.