Daily Didja Know 2

Didja know that just because the game is just starting, and you aren’t a Mr. Fancypants who has secret holdings or a family stockpile it doesn’t mean you have to be poor?

The merchant’s guild runs the game world bank (The Bank) and per the rules in the book:

“… the Bank offers loans to characters. The bank will loan leaves in increments of 10 at the rate of 1 leaf interest per event. (Example: Your character borrows 30 leaves from the bank. If you pay this loan back during the same event, you must repay 33 leaves. If you repay the following event, you must repay 36 leaves….39…42…45, etc.) "

Now you DO have to be wary however as there are stipulations:

“If a character ever reaches an amount owed of two times what was borrowed, the character may be put up for bounty to the Thieves Guild. These amounts may change but will be detailed in the Merchants Guild folder.”

That’s not so bad though eh?

So, what are ya waiting for? Take out a loan today! Katalossa is a dangerous place and Oz can’t give you the knowledge or enchantments you need to survive if he doesn’t get paid first!