Should we make Crafting Theory and Scientific Research one skill?

This skill would be called Scientific Research and found in Academic, Craftsman, and Human Lineage lists. This would reduce the costs to get to Technology Crafting. Both Skills feel like they are covering very similar topics.

Should we remove Healing and Harming from specialization?

Healing specialization is over utilized currently. Spells can be developed that function in a similar manner, this will make healing more resource based and help to increase the viability of medicine.

Should all characters be able to use a minimum amount of armor to start?

This will boost starting players survivability, increase the use of armor, and increase the use of forging.

Should characters get their first category for free?

This would help players build into additional categories slightly faster but allow for people to feel more valuable in a particular category.

​ 4.B) This change would have an effect on the prerequisite costs for additional damage in the combat trees. Currently category cost and lineage skills tied to the combat groups count toward these costs. Should these costs be ammended?