Pacifist Monk

We have another thematic build that comes online with only an initial investment of 20 CP with the appropriate Skill Category unlocked but going with the theme we will be building it out as a fully fleshed in starting character.

The concept we are following today is the tried-and-true pacifist monk- or if you prefer the flavor, an Oath of Redemption paladin with a few tweaks. The concept revisits the non-proficient weapon fighting concept this time as flavor, painting our character as someone who wishes to not harm other creatures despite having to defend themselves.

In combat they will rely not on their damage, but on incapacitating enemies quickly and efficiently.

We begin with our chosen lineage; any will work fine but the build benefits most from picking a lineage that grants a bonus to stamina as our build relies heavily on it’s use.

So, I will be going Human and picking up Adaptable for +2 stamina.

We then unlock the Group Combat Skill Category and purchase Stagger (10 CP, 2 Stamina cost) and Waylay (10 CP, 2 Stamina cost). Both skills allow us for the cost of 2 stamina to inflict either Daze or Sleep, which are powerful conditions that can take a foe out of combat in a single blow.

Daze states that an afflicted target stares off into space, not noticing or remembering anything happening for 5 minutes or until cured or attacked. If left on a target for the full 5 minutes the target “believes that nothing is wrong and tries to go back to what they were doing, assuming that they were sleepy or zoned out for a moment.” If this is the case, there is no way for them to regain these memories.

Sleep states that an afflicted target falls asleep and retains no sensory knowledge of anything until removed. There is no duration.

These skills allow us for 2 stamina to make up to 3 attacks with these conditions until we either hit or the effect is resisted.

So at this point we can make an unarmed attack (not proficient, so we will be swinging our “fist” (or a sword if you’re going for the paladin flavor) for 1 damage) and with 2 stamina we can either debilitate a target with daze (forcing them to either forget about us or distracting them for long enough to deal with other threats) or put them to sleep and possibly take them out of the encounter permanently.

At this point we have spent 25 CP and have 5 HP and 7 Stamina, which isn’t the best for a “fighter” so in my building I’d take 5 levels of Stamina (15cp) rounding us up to 12 Stamina, and 4 levels of Body bringing us up to 9 HP.

This amount of Stamina (assuming we can hit with one of 3 swings and not be resisted) will allow us to incapacitate 6 enemies if we are fully rested once every 6 hours. While not the best this can aid in certain quests.

If you have a module you signed up for to retrieve stolen goods run in with reckless abandon and daze your way through the enemies and grab the item, leaving them wondering where it went and why their heads hurt.

If you need to bring back specimens for someone’s surgery# experiments, go out and waylay a few down and drag them back to town.

The options are endless.