Event Types

Crestfallen holds a number of different get togethers and events, each with their own benefits and possible costs. We want to make sure that these event types are clear to attendees who are new to Crestfallen or LARP in general. If there is any confusion, feel free to reach out to us via social media, email, or on our discord. Links are available down below.

Discord Hangout

Crestfallen holds Discord Hangouts on a regular basis. The main purpose for these are to create a place where new or interested people can ask questions from players and staff outside full events. While we have a rough agenda planned out, these get togethers are a great way to clear up confusion, help plan a character, and get to know the community before even showing up to an event. Our goal is to make people comfortable with the people and concepts of the game before committing to the travel and costuming of One and Two Day in person events.

These hangouts are out of game discussions only, though we may practice particular roleplaying elements at the request of players taking part.

Cost: None

Preregistration Deadline: None - However if players wish to gain benefits, the players real name and email is required.

Tentative Schedule: First Tuesday of each month (See Schedule Page for details)

Start Time: 4:30 PM EST

End Time: 6:30 PM EST

Character Benefits: 5 Leaves (In Game Money) and 1 Basic Resource per person. Additionally a raffle is held for every 10 people that attend for 5 Basic Resources. These are In Game items only and hold no real world value.

One Day Adventure

Crestfallen One Day Adventures are usually held at a Park or Pavilion

Cost: Current $25 for PCs, $0 for NPCs

Description: A one day adventure is designed for small groups of 5 to 20 players and 5 to 10 NPCs. The players take part in 2 to 4 planned story adventures as well as 4 to 8 additional adventures of their choosing from available lineage/guild options. These adventures may include combat, puzzles, problem solving, role-playing, trading, and more. Non-Combat players are welcome as there are a number of skills, abilities, and stories that may/will not require combat.

New/Interested?: People who are interested in learning more about LARPing, new players, and new attendees to Crestfallen LARP are welcome to come and ask questions from 9 AM until 10:30 AM. We want everyone to feel comfortable prior to their first event. Any and all questions are welcome. We highly suggest using this time to have weapons/armor/costuming evaluated for points and safety.

Pre - Registration Deadline: 2 Fridays prior to the event (8 Full Days)

Registration Cut Off: 2 Days prior to the event (If you do not register for the event by this date, please just show up to the event and pay/register there. You may still attend by showing up on site, but setup may be more difficult. We highly recommend registration online to improve the experience.)

Tentative Schedule: Setup 9 AM, Check In - 10 AM, Opening Speech 10:45 AM, Game Start 11 AM, Game End 5 PM, Closing Statements 5:15 PM, Clean Up 5:30 PM, Offsite ASAP.

Earliest Arrival: 9 AM

Game Start: 11 AM

Game End: 5 PM

Latest Offsite: 9 PM

Food: None provided. Please bring a lunch or plan on getting food directly after. We try to get food as a group somewhere local if cleanup and offsite occurs quickly.

Player Character Benefits: 2 Character Points for the character being played with the ability to gain 2 additional for the played character and 2 additional for the players secondary character. Additionally the character may gain In Game Items, Resources, and Leaves depending on character skills and interactions.

Non-player Character Benefits: 2 Character Points for a character with the ability to gain 2 additional for the character and 2 additional for a secondary character.

One Day Tavern Excursion

Crestfallen One Day Tavern Excursions are usually held at a Park or Pavilion

Cost: Player Characters $25.00, Non-Player Characters $0.00

Description: A one day tavern excursion is designed for small groups of 5 to 20 players and 5 to 10 NPCs. A simulated tavern experience which DOES NOT include alcohol. These events do not include planned adventures, but instead focus on role-playing, crafting, trading, games of chance, story telling, singing, performing, and similar activities. Sparring and combat tournaments may occur, but are be limited to designated areas.

New/Interested?: People who are interested in learning more about LARPing, new players, and new attendees to Crestfallen LARP are welcome to come and ask questions from 9 AM until 10:30 AM. We want everyone to feel comfortable prior to their first event. Any and all questions are welcome. We highly suggest using this time to have weapons/armor/costuming evaluated for points and safety.

Pre-Registration Deadline: 2 Fridays prior to the event (8 Full Days)

Registration Cut Off: 2 Days prior to the event (If you do not register for the event by this date, please just show up to the event and pay/register there. You may still attend by showing up on site, but setup may be more difficult. We highly recommend registration online to improve the experience.)

Tentative Schedule: Setup 9 AM, Check In - 10 AM, Opening Speech 10:45 AM, Game Start 11 AM, Game End 5 PM, Closing Statements 5:15 PM, Clean Up 5:30 PM, Offsite ASAP.

Earliest Arrival: 9 AM

Game Start: 11 AM

Game End: 5 PM

Latest Offsite: 9 PM

Food: None provided. Please bring a lunch or plan on getting food directly after. We try to get food as a group somewhere local if cleanup and offsite occurs quickly. A potluck style meal may occur during these style of events. This is notated on the schedule. Please note that Crestfallen LARP does not provide any prepared food for these types of events and as such, it is not included in the cost of the event.

Player Character Benefits: 2 Character Points for the character being played with the ability to gain 2 additional for the played character and 2 additional for the players secondary character. Additionally the character may gain In Game Items, Resources, and Leaves depending on character skills and interactions.

Non-player Character Benefits: 2 Character Points for a character with the ability to gain 2 additional for the character and 2 additional for a secondary character.

Two Day Town Event

Crestfallen Two Day Town Events are usually held at a Camp Ground or State Park

Cost: (tentative) $60 for full event PCs, $30 for one day PCs, $0 for NPCs

Description: A two day town event is designed for 10 to 30 players and 10+ NPCs. The players take part in planned story adventures as well as additional adventures including lineage jobs, guild jobs, stockpiles, cards in the woods, and random encounters. These adventures may include combat, puzzles, problem solving, role-playing, trading, and more. Non-Combat players are welcome as there are a number of skills, abilities, and stories that may/will not require combat.

Friday night is typically focused around getting into character and planning Saturdays work (signing up for jobs in folders, discussing recent goings on, reading the All-of Branch paper, scouting the site, crafting, gathering, etc.). Some small planned adventures may occur on Friday, but this is rare. Saturday focuses on adventures, random encounters, and storyline. Plot shuts down between 11PM and 1AM depending on site and plot requirements. Sunday focuses on cleaning up loose ends such as adventures that needed to be rescheduled, as well as crafting, gathering, and acting among players.

Gathering Hall: The gathering hall is where players may access lineage and guild folders, roll for their gathering skill checks, and finalize their crafted items. The gathering hall is open for operation from game start until 1AM on Friday into Saturday, 8 AM until 1AM Saturday into Sunday, and 8AM until game end on Sunday. These times are subject to change, but are clearly listed at the gathering hall. Players may use the crafting or gathering skills no more than 2 times while the gathering hall is closed and must complete their dice rolls before crafting or gathering again.

New/Interested?: People who are interested in learning more about LARPing, new players, and new attendees to Crestfallen LARP are welcome to come and ask questions Friday evening from game start until 11 PM. We hold an introductory workshop for anyone who is new or is in need of a refresher regarding Crestfallen LARP. We want everyone to feel comfortable prior to their first event. Any and all questions are welcome. We highly suggest using this time to have weapons/armor/costuming evaluated for points and safety.

Pre - Registration Deadline: 2 Fridays prior to the event (8 Full Days)

Registration Cut Off: 2 Days prior to the event (If you do not register for the event by this date, please just show up to the event and pay/register there. You may still attend by showing up on site, but setup may be more difficult. We highly recommend registration online to improve the experience.)

Tentative Schedule: Setup ? PM Friday, Check In - 8PM to 9PM Friday, Opening Speech - 9PM Friday, Game Start 9:15 Friday, Introductory Workshop - 9:15 Friday, Closing Statements 11AM Sunday, Personal Clean Up 11:30AM Sunday, Site Clean Up 12 Noon Sunday, Offsite ASAP Sunday.

Earliest Arrival:

Opening Speech: 9PM Friday

Game Start: Directly after opening ceremonies Friday

Game End: 11 AM Sunday

Closing Statements: 11AM to 11:30AM Sunday

Personal Cleanup: 11:30AM to 12 Noon Sunday

Site Cleanup: 12 Noon to 1PM Sunday

Latest Offsite: 2PM Sunday

Overnight Consideration: Due to the close proximity of our sleeping arrangements we ask that all players respect the quiet hours of 1AM until 8AM within communal sleeping spaces. Plot will not operate during these hours within sleeping areas to ensure players have the opportunity to receive enough rest.

Food: None provided. Please see site information for nearby food options.

Player Character Benefits: 4 character points for the character being played with the ability to gain 4 additional for the played character and 4 additional for the players secondary character. Additionally the character may gain in game items, resources, and leaves depending on character skills and interactions.

Non-player Character Benefits: 4 character points for a character with the ability to gain 4 additional for the character and 4 additional for a secondary character.