
Zarn: Dwarven Council

Katalossa Gazetteer

This is the third article of the Katalossa Gazetteer which will be focused on Zarn and the Dwarven lineage!



Zarn is a packed but slow moving Dwarven city nestled in a mountain pass of the Stampol Mountains. The city is well defended on all sides by steep mountain peeks. The only two physical paths into the pass are guarded by massive gates and members of the city militia. All Dwarves are expect to take part in militia training and duties, though only one family member is required to take part in active duty at any given time. The city is ruled by a council of elders from each Dwarven family. Additionally, dwarves that have created great crafts or committed great acts of heroism may be granted as special members of the council. There are no limits on the number of Dwarves that may be part of the council. The council decides on all matters by hearing the thoughts of those most knowledgeable in a matter. If a decision is unclear, all council members are granted a vote until a simple majority is determined.


Inner Crafting Halls

The Inner Crafting Halls are the hub of all commerce in Zarn. These interior mountain chambers once held the devoted followers of the paragons, but following the departure, were converted into crafting stations and sales booths. The interior of the mountain halls are heavily decorated in the metals and gems of the earth. The central chamber of the halls is the central citadel where the Dwarven Council meets amidst the ringing of hammers and the musical chants of enchanters perfecting their crafts.

Grove of Zarn

On the mountain summits above the Inner Crafting Halls is a grove of trees and crops that are tended to by the Natures Chosen. This grove has been tended by the nature loving mages for as long as the city has existed. The grove is the primary source of plant based food for the city and often exports its excess items to nearby towns. The area surrounding the grove is home to the majority of the cities animal tenders.

The Museum of Crafts

Within the expanding open air city is the newly formed museum of crafts. This campus of five buildings has many functions within the city. Three of the buildings house training facilities and crafting stations for the three primary crafts of forging, alchemy, and enchanting. All Dwarves may be freely trained at any of these crafts in exchange for their assistance in apprenticeship programs. The other two buildings are used as galleries for art and craft items allowing craftsman to show off their wears and assist in gaining renowned. Some of the greatest items crafted are cataloged and stored by the museum in a hidden vault found somewhere within the city. It is believed that many relics of past ages are housed within this vault, only to be used in times of great need.

Dwarven Mountain Pass

The mountain pass is guarded by two large gates that are believed to predate the Dwarves of Zarn. The construction and stone used are foreign to the local area and scholars have long debated who or what created the gates.


Natures Chosen

The natures chosen are mages that focus on the use of magic that focus on nature and healing of the lands. These mages watch over the cities mining and harvesting initiatives, ensuring that the resources are gathered safely and sustainably. All mines must be a safe distance from dwellings, must be tracked, and are restricted on depth and direction. Empty mines are used as burial mounds for the dead of the city and are refilled with dirt and debris to remove the chance of collapses. Additionally these mages watch over all types of food production and ensuring that any food entering the city is safe for consumption.

The Devout

The devout are the final remaining followers of the Paragons within Dwarven culture. These Dwarves focus on combat and destruction of evil forces that endanger their people. This group is not at all secretive but are often considered behind the times and is dwindling in number and influence.

The Critics

The critics are a small number of master craftsperson that are in charge of making the decisions for Museum of Crafts. These members keep to themselves and are known as being extremely picky and judgmental on who may take part in the upper echelons of the crafting world within the Dwarven city. To have a craft or art piece recognized by the critics is one of the highest honors that a craftsperson can receive

Natural Resources

The mountains surrounding Zarn are well known as the most plentiful sources of metals and gems. There is very little area for food production, making the natures chosen a vital organization to Zarns continued growth. The Dwarves are on the forefront of sustainable practices, often researching ways to renew resources, recycle old items and materials, and import resources via efficient travel methods.


Zarn often holds on to a majority of its creations, rarely selling or trading goods to the other Inspired races. This is mainly due to Dwarven pride in their creations rather than greed. Dwarven items that are transported and sold are often much higher in price than other lineage items but are often worth the increased costs.

Connection With The Inspired

In ages past, Zarn was one of the most xenophobic lineages. With their superior defenses and crafts, the Dwarves saw little use for alliances and trades. With the destruction of the Paragons during the Age of Departure, the Dwarves reluctantly joined the Inspired, but have found it increasingly useful in its understanding of foreign magic and crafting systems. The Dwarves are new to medical training and technology and have started study on these abilities since joining the Inspired.

Zarn is about 30 days travel to Port Jebeddo and Caernarthan, and 10 to 15 from Briarwood. Despite the distance of 50 or so days travel from Imshcran, the Dwarves have a strong partnership with the Orc lineage due to their shared love of weapons and protecting their people. The Dwarves have shared a number of their weapon creations with the Orcs, enjoying watching their masterly crafted weapons being wielded by strong warriors. Likewise, the Dwarves have a great relationship with the Kinfolk due to their ties to nature and maintaining its safety.

So… where to next? Rayna