Dragons and Descendants

History of the Dracon Lineage and Links to Katalossa.

Dragons and Descendants

What to say of Katalossa and its history….I believe that the best place to start is through explaining my people and our place in this world. This may be an odd starting point, but due to my expertise in the matter, it is the most accurate and helpful information that I can convey.

The Dracon Lineage are the descendants of the Great Dragons of the universe. These majestic creatures controlled the spread of Essence and Energy throughout reality. When a Dragon was born the fragments of life traveled with them creating new worlds or new life on already living planets. When a Dragon died, its Essence would return to its ancestral home, waiting to be born again. It is said that Katalossa itself was born in the clash of two such Dragons - Ephram and Vorgandirr.

Life on this world would grow and shrink with the ages giving rise to many lineages. Of these lineages, the Dracon most closely resembled the Dragons and were considered to be favored by them. The other lineages were awed by the power of the Great Dragons and aspired to be their equals.

Much time passed allowing each of the lineages to grow in ability. Through their ingenuity, some members of the different lineages became so powerful that they were known as Paragons. A Paragon was able to change Katalossa on whim, allowing their lineages to thrive while other faltered. The Great Dragons grew nervous with these creatures, but felt confident in the knowledge that their cycle of life and importance to the world would keep them safe. The Dracon Lineage maintained their faith in the Dragons, serving and living with them.

The other lineages of Katalossa battled constantly, pushed by their Paragons to bigger and greater conquests. This lasted until the Unceasing were first found. These creatures of undeath were made of the fallen members of all lineages. The Dragons greatly feared the Unceasing because of their undead nature and their hunger for Essence and Energy. This went against everything the Dragons stood for.

The Unceasing grew slowly but consistently, causing much concern among the lineages of Katalossa. Due to the danger many alliances and calls for peace were made. Great minds of the time attempted to determine the cause of the Undead and ways to stop them.

A great Human mage believed to know the problem with the Unceasing. It was his belief that the undead were made by the Paragons as their power to change reality was well established and uncontested by the other members of the lineages. Additional, the Unceasing only arrived on Katalossa after the Paragons came into being. Feeling that no creature that had gained such power would give it up willingly, he instead sought to destroy the Paragons.

His mission would go on in secret for many years. It is unclear of what was attempted, but the Mage’s plan did not work as intended. Instead of destroying the Paragons, they became Unceasing intelligent creatures of undeath. It is unclear what has happened to this Human since this failure.

With the rising power of the Unceasing, the Great Dragons formed a plan of their own, no longer confident in their powers to save them. The Dragons would gather together to make a source of Essence that the undead could not help but to be drawn to. Following this, the Dragons would use their combined magics to remove all of the Unceasing from the plane. This plan would also force the Dragons to leave Katalossa as well. It was the Dragons final command that those of the Dracon Lineage are to live as the guardians of Katalossa, bringing justice and honor to those who would have them and ever be vigilant for the return of the Unceasing.

With our vows made, the Great Dragons left Katalossa. The Unceasing were wiped clean of the world and the Dragons have never returned. It is our hope to one day see the Dragons return, but for now we remain vigilant to the stars in case the Undead ever return.

This is our history as I have learned it. I have seen enough to know that this may not be 100% truthful. However, this is the information that drives me forward and to hope that Katalossa will flourish despite the darkness it has seen.

Daalras Xarziros

Dracon Lineage and Protectorate of Katalossa