
There are a number of reasons why people quit LARPing such as cost, changes in family life, and altercations at different games. Some people swear off LARP forever, while others just quit playing certain chapters or games.

The LARP community has grown very small and there have been few reasons for it to grow. Local games have been stagnant and maintaining toxic practices.

We are here today to ask to give Crestfallen LARP a chance.

Have things changed?

While a number of games and systems have not changed their practices, a number of more modern games and styles have caused drastic updates to player safety rules, focuses on physical and mental health, and better understanding of how to protect players.

Crestfallen LARP uses a number of safety mechanics such as affirmative consent, assumed consent, look down, negotiated roleplay, and ok check in to give players options to deal with emotionally difficult roleplay and have clarity on consent.

We have an established code of conduct and game mechanics that focus on our content, taboo subjects, mental health, sportsmanship and more.

We also maintain a focus on professionalism and transparency. All of our rules, safety mechanics, policies, and blog posts are publicly available.

While we may not be perfect, we are constantly trying our best to maintain a positive and safe environment for those attending.

Why NPC?

There are a number of reasons why we are asking for NPCs. We will be transparent.... Some of these reasons are self serving, while others are mutually beneficial.

NPCs are asked to take part in acting, simulated combat, and interacting with player characters in a number of different ways. Crestfallen asks NPCs to bring basic clothing in browns, greys, or blacks as a base layer for supplied costuming and props. Additionally we ask NPCs to have a belt with a sealable pouch for carrying treasure such as leaves, resource cards, and item cards. NPCs may bring their own additional flair costume pieces and props if they would like for the chance at bonus Character Points.

While the basics of NPCing may be like other games, our preparation, organization, and requests may be very different. How?

NPC Scheduling

Crestfallen LARP events are scheduled differently than many games. Friday night is based around gathering supplies, crafting items, trading, gambling, bartering, and planning adventures for the following day. Saturday is the primary time for going on adventures, finding pioneer cards, and having random encounters. Sunday is the slow winding down of the event with more gathering, crafting, and trading.

This format means that a fully staffed group of NPCs is only required for Saturday. Full time NPCs are needed all day, roughly from 8AM until 10PM or later. NPC Shifts are 8AM until Noon, 1PM until 5PM and 6PM until 10PM. Meal breaks are planned from 12 until 1PM and 5PM until 6PM respectively. With a focus on self care, meal and sleep times are respected. A sleeping or eating player is an occupied player and we don't want to deprive players of these vital needs for life.

Crestfallen has established a number of ways to interact with plot.

Benefits Of NPCing

There are a number of benefits to NPCing at Crestfallen LARP. We hope that a majority of these points are appealing to players, but understand that they may not be for everyone.

Ideal NPC Numbers

As with all LARPs, the number of NPCs is directly proportional to the amount of content we can run without causing an undue burdon on ourselves. At a minimum we wish to have 50% of the PC numbers or a maximim of 100%. This is very important as each NPC can be helpful in different ways.

At our core, we would love to have 14 to 20 NPCs available to run a great event. This would give us 2 faction leads with an additional monster per group for a total of 4 random encounter monsters. The remaining 10 to 16 would be cut down the middle to have half running scheduled adventures and the other half available for cards and other style adventures.

Building Fun For All

We are trying our best to make all aspects of LARPing at Crestfallen enjoyable to have a happy and healthy game system. NPCs should feel rewarded, accepted, and get all of the credit for showing fellow players a great time. Often, this is not the case. We need people to believe in this system and give it a try. What can we do to help this game grow and make it enjoyable for all. We want your thoughts. to share with us. to register.