Crestfallen Sandbox: How to Use

Crestfallen LARP Character Sandbox is the download link for the sandbox.


The Crestfallen LARP character sandbox was designed to be used with excel or similar programs. If you do not have excel, there is a Microsoft 365 online option that you may be able to try for free or other similar programs.

Additionally, make sure to enable editing when you open the program.


Please fill out your player name, character name, player number, select your lineage, traveler/inspired, and character point section. The character point section should be set for 60 when building a new character or the CP total you are building towards for established or dream characters.

If you are playing a human or kinfolk, choose your lineage bonus from the dropdown box on lines 10 or 11. Please note, if you change lineages, these selections will not be removed and may give you incorrect numbers.

After filling out the player info section, players will be choosing skills and categories from the drop down boxes in the skill section. When buying a skill category, make sure to select the items named “category skill” (example Academic Skill). For the first category, place 1 in the x column. Second category, place 2 in the x column. etc. The skills listed in the grey box may be purchased multiple times and increase in cost based on the number of times purchased. When purchasing energy, please make sure that you purchase the magical combat category in the section below.

All skills and skill categories chosen from the grey section and the drop down boxes will be deducted from your character points. The remaining character point balance left will be shown in the character points balance section.

We suggest filling out the sandbox and saving a copy of the file with the name as - player name, player number, character name. Please send a copy of the file to . Players may have 2 characters saved in our database at one time, not including dead characters. Player may change their character skills and categories as many times as they would like until the end of their fourth attended event.

Player Info Section

This section includes information that is vital to tracking your character.

  • Player Name: Your name (must be your discord nickname)
  • Character Name: How we track the CP and resources for a character
  • Player Number: Listed on Pick Pocket clips and for other secretive tracking
  • Body: How many body points the character has. Automatically totals skills
  • Lineage: The core lineage of the character. Character may buy skills from the lineage category tied to this field
  • Energy: How many energy the character may hold at any given time
  • Essence: This resource is how many times a character may come back to life. Can also be used for other trades and transactions allowed by plot
  • Armor: How many armor points a character may wear. This may be overridden by special items, but will be listed on the appropriate card
  • Character Points (CP): How many character points a character has in total
  • Stamina: How may stamina points the character may have at any given time
  • Traveler/Inspired: If the character was born in Katalossa or is from another world/planet/plane/universe/etc
  • Character Point Balance: How many character points the character has available to spend on new skills or categories.

Skill Section

This section includes skills that have a variable or exponential cost in the grey box or drop down boxes for selecting skill categories and skills.

To open a skill category select “Category skill” (example Academic Skill) from the drop down arrow. If this is a general or lineage category, you are done. If this is any other category place a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 in the x column based on if this is the first thru eighth category that is opened.

Once a category is open for a character, they may then purchase skills in that category. To do this, open the drop down menu and select the skill. In the x column place a 1.

CP will be automatically deducted from your Character Points (CP) section and your Character Point Balance will change.

Left over CP can be saved between events and used when a new skill is selected.

Skill Category Section

This section shows each of the skill categories and the associated skills in each group. This is intended to be a handy guide to see what skills are available for particular categories instead of referring to the rules text.

This section links each skill directly to its counterpart within the rules text. This is a great way to easily see what each skill can do in a separate window.

This section links to the specific spells listed within the rules text. Each time a player gains a maximum energy on their sheet, they may choose an additional spell from this list to learn.


These are additional questions submitted by the players that may help.