Daily Didja Know 3

Daily didja know #3

For those who are interested in building up a craftsman (and more specifically those who intend on getting to the point of technology crafting which blends two or more other crafts) you may have been overwhelmed at the sheer cost of increasing your talents, but I am here to help!

While each craft (Forging, Alchemy, and Enchanting) requires you to have an augmentation skill and mastery skill for the highest-grade items, (and if you intend on solo crafting technology later you’ll need more than one) there is only one augmentation skill (crafting augmentation) and one mastery skill (crafting mastery).

This means that if you start as a master alchemist (alchemy, crating augmentation, crafting mastery) and decide to pick up forging later your purchase of crafting augmentation and crafting mastery apply to forging as well!

This means that while many thought these skills were per craft, requiring a MASSIVE amount of cp to master all crafts (140 for just all 3 crafts mastered or 170 for technology crafting) the actual cost is far cheaper at only 70 cp to master all 3 crafts or 100 to master them and open technology crafting.

This means that any of the folks who showed up to the previous playtests and play this event could be sporting a master craftsman of all 3 crafts as early as the first event next year!